Innovation Advanced Technology Planning: The Solution To Overcoming Supplier Confusion Yoav Kutner Forbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Opinions expressed are those of the author. | Membership (fee-based) Jun 24, 2022, 07:00am EDT | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Yoav Kutner is a Founder and CEO of Oro Inc.
, the company behind OroCommerce and OroCRM. Prior, he was the CTO and Co-Founder of Magento. getty Whether growth is driven by market consolidation, acquisition or circumstances (such as Covid-19 or supply chain disruption), the solution to overcoming supplier confusion is always the same: advanced technology planning.
There is ample data to assess, evaluate and consider after the fact—the expression “hindsight is 20/20” seems apropos. But rather than suffering through buyer’s remorse, the ability to use accurate predictive data is a necessary preventative measure. The Latin expression caveat emptor (buyer beware) serves as a cautionary piece of good advice.
Acting, rather than reacting, is vital in scenario planning. Supplier confusion happens with stock-keeping unit (SKU) proliferation. With supply chain constraints, alternative SKUs must be considered in advance of a stock outage.
Just as there are multiple iterations of products being ordered, ranging in size, color and specification, most B2B operations have learned the critical importance of supplier diversity and alternative sourcing. No manufacturer or industrial operation is going to simply rely on a single vendor. This is like standing at the edge of a cliff.
The entire operation can shut down if that supplier fails to deliver the product. With Shanghai closed for four months, industrial executives quickly realized that alternative supplier relationships—whether in Vietnam, Europe or the U. S.
—required diversification. Alternate suppliers must understand the product specification and be ready to deliver within a time frame that works in the production schedule. Just knowing there are other suppliers does not mean that manufacturers have vetted these alternative sources for ISO certification, regulatory compliance and QA/QC mandates, regardless of whether the product is food, electronics, automotive or something else.
There has been a great deal of support for reshoring the manufacturing of industrial supplies and parts in North America. But this approach will not help resolve the immediate supply chain challenges any time soon. New manufacturing plants, distribution centers and warehousing operations are expensive and time-consuming.
A new microchip factory in the U. S. , for example, will likely take the remainder of the decade to go live.
MORE FOR YOU Google Issues Warning For 2 Billion Chrome Users Forget The MacBook Pro, Apple Has Bigger Plans Google Discounts Pixel 6, Nest & Pixel Buds In Limited-Time Sale Event And other geopolitical considerations require heightened awareness and sensitivity. One must reflect on how much things have changed in Ukraine in the last several months to grasp the gravity of world events. Advanced technology planning provides a trigger mechanism alerting buyers, production managers and operations executives to notify the system when a part is out of stock or no longer available from the preferred vendor.
This is far more than a “what if”-scenario planning exercise. When finished goods have thousands of parts to track, the necessity of preplanning becomes a mandate. A single missing screw can shut down the product, manufacturing ceases, work stoppages occur and promised delivery dates are missed.
On-time delivery evaporates and so do profits. There is data from past performance shortcomings that inform the strategies for advanced technology planning. Rather than framing this as “learning from mistakes,” it makes far more sense to view best practices in the context of anticipation.
What is most likely to fail is where the advanced technology planning exercise begins. Typical value stream mapping (VSM) helps in visualizing where help is most needed. These corrective actions are never-ending, which is why they are referred to as continuous process improvement.
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