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Protecting Journalists Is Protecting Freedom Of Expression For All

Policy Protecting Journalists Is Protecting Freedom Of Expression For All Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Following New! Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. Got it! Nov 5, 2022, 02:58pm EDT | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin In October 2022, the European Parliament published its commissioned study concerning safety of journalists and media freedom globally which found the progressive erosion of media freedom around the world. The study concluded that “impunity remains unacceptably high, with most cases of killings remaining unresolved.

Imprisonments are on the rise, while online spaces are becoming increasingly hostile and replete with gender-based hate speech. ” Pakistani journalists light candles during a vigil for Afghan journalists killed in a targeted . .

. [+] suicide bombing, to mark World Press Freedom Day in Quetta on May 3, 2018. – Ten journalists were killed April 30, 2018, including Agence France-Presse chief photographer Shah Marai, in attacks in Kabul that sparked outrage around the world and underscored the dangers faced by Afghan media.

(Photo credit: BANARAS KHAN / AFP via Getty Images) AFP via Getty Images The study cited data collected by the Committee to Protect Journalists indicating that a majority of killings between 2012 and 2021 occurred in 11 countries, including Syria (137 killings), Iraq (39), Somalia (35), Mexico (33), Afghanistan (31), India (27), Pakistan (22), Brazil (21), Yemen (19), Philippines (16) and Bangladesh (11). The study found that a majority of fatalities was due to journalists being killed by way of reprisal for their work, while some were killed in a battlefield or in a military context. “Among those killed because of their work, 28.

8% were working on political journalism, 23. 8% were war reporters, 15. 8% were human rights reporters, while 10.

7% were investigating crime and 9. 6% corruption cases. ” Such killings are met with glaring impunity.

The report refers to a data collected by the Committee to Protect Journalists which states that “from 224 cases of complete impunity during 2012-2021, 185 (82. 6%) were recorded in 12 countries (. .

. ): Mexico (26 cases); Somalia (25); Syria (22); India (21); Afghanistan (17); Iraq (17); Philippines (14); Brazil (14); Pakistan (12); Bangladesh (7); South Sudan (5); and the Russian Federation (5). ” Apart from such targeted killings, journalists are also subjected to imprisonments and other methods to use and abuse law to silence journalists.

In 2021 only, the Committee to Protect Journalists recorded 293 cases of imprisonment. The mostly used charges in such cases included : “accusations of anti-state activities dominate (61. 5%), ‘no charge’ (14.

8 %), retaliatory action (11. 7 %), false news (7 %) and defamation (3 %). ” Other abuses of journalists include kidnappings and enforced disappearances.

According to Reporters Without Borders, in 2021, at least 65 journalists and media workers were held hostage. Most hostage takings occurred in three countries: Syria (44); Iraq (11); and Yemen (9). One journalist was abducted in Mali.

The Islamic State was responsible for 28 abductions, the Houthis in Yemen for 8 cases and the Syrian Jihadi group for 7 cases. According to Reporters Without Borders, 46 journalists disappeared between 2003 and 2021. The Committee to Protect Journalists recorded 69 journalist disappearances between 2002-2021 with Mexico topping the list with 15 cases (followed by Syria (10), Iraq (9) and Russia (7)).

MORE FOR YOU The Inside Story Of Papa John’s Toxic Culture Climate Activists Glue Hands To Iconic Goya Paintings In Madrid—Here Are All The Recent Protests Targeting Art Masterpieces Apple’s Shock MacBook Pro Decision Such targeting of journalists requires comprehensive responses. On November 2, the U. N.

marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists , a day that the U. N. General Assembly established to urge states to “prevent violence against journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, speedy and effective investigations into all alleged violence against journalists and media workers falling within their jurisdiction and to bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice and ensure that victims have access to appropriate remedies.

” It calls upon member states to promote a safe environment, accommodating journalists in their work through legislative measures, raising awareness, carrying out adequate investigations, monitoring and reporting attacks committed against journalists, and by publicly condemning attacks. 2022 also marks the 10th anniversary of the U. N.

Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity , the first concerted effort within the U. N. to address attacks and impunity of crimes against journalists.

However, despite some steps done in this direction, it is clear that the promises to provide better protection for journalists is still unfulfilled. Unfortunately, as in many cases, state actors are the perpetrators of such attacks against journalists, there is little, if any, hope that the situation will ever be addressed. However, protecting journalists we must as protecting journalists is protecting freedom of expression for all.

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