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Resume Writing: How to Make a Resume for Today’s Job Market? Here Are Some Tips

By Raj Tanwar “You never get a second chance to make the first impression”, so give your best every time, like the way you are doing it for the first time. This phrase remained with me forever in life, keeping both my ‘innovation’ and ‘job search patience’ quotient alive as well as high. With the competition getting fierce in the job market, the candidate who can present a compelling resume is quite likely to get ahead of others standing in the same queue, that is, outshine other candidates.

It has thus become imperative that resume building needs creativity and craft-making skills but also backed by some scientific principles in the process. Here are some tips that could be useful for you: 1. Looks may be the book cover, but the story within is where the true importance lies.

Here, I am not saying aspects like resume format, font and layouts are not essential. Still, they can only draw attention for the first few seconds, which is important, but to maintain the interest of the recruiter, clearly indicate your journey in an organized manner. There are three main ways of building it – chronological, functional, and hybrid.

The chronological is best suited for people who have lots of professional experience. It is one of the best ways to list down the work experiences, starting with the latest one first and showing career progression over time. The functional is best suited for freshers or those who have employment gaps.

It highlights the skills and lists the occasions when used at a professional level. The third is hybrid, as the name suggests, is a mix of chronological and functional formats is best suited for candidates who at mid-level- they have some work experience, but the career is extensive yet. 2.

Unlocking Search Hacks , most recruiters these days use software called the Applicant Tracking System or the ATS for scanning and searching resumes. This ATS tracks the resume based on the skills mentioned in the resume. In other words, you must creatively stack up words and carefully choose skills expressing them in the form of words to get a higher ranking in search.

Consider them as Hyper to Meta tags; therefore, it is a must to mention all the skills that are relevant for the job the candidate is applying for and weave them into a story for the recruiter to invest further once your name comes up in search. googletag. cmd.

push(function() { googletag. display(“div-gpt-ad-6601185-5”); }); 3. Trivial misses may turn out to be costly, Trivial misses may turn out to be costly, such as Work Experience where the candidate must clearly mention the previous organizations, job title (designation) and start and end dates.

Second, Education, which is apart from school and college, such as university level education or any additional course or certification pursued. Thirdly, adding relevant contact information clearly, as trivial as it may sound, many candidates miss adding this information or don’t pick up the call or mention old email IDs that they rarely open or sometimes do not carry country or state codes etc. such as Work Experience where the candidate must clearly mention the previous organizations, job title (designation) and start and end dates.

Second, Education, which is apart from school and college, such as university level education or any additional course or certification pursued. Thirdly, adding relevant contact information clearly, as trivial as it may sound, many candidates miss adding this information or don’t pick up the call or mention old email IDs that they rarely open or sometimes do not carry country or state codes etc. 4.

Moment that matters, crafting a compelling narrative around significant achievements and accolades is an art that can elevate a resume or personal statement. These moments that matter, whether they are prestigious awards, exceptional project successes, or moments of leadership, serve as beacons of one’s professional journey. Rather than merely listing them, infuse creativity by weaving them into a storytelling tapestry.

Describe the challenges faced, the strategies employed, and the impact achieved. Let these moments become the stars of your narrative, illuminating your path with brilliance and demonstrating not only what you’ve accomplished but also the qualities that set you apart – determination, innovation, and the ability to turn challenges into triumphs. By creatively mentioning these achievements, you not only capture attention but also leave a lasting impression, inviting others to share in the significance of these moments that have shaped your career.

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in, Download Link Here 5. Icing on the cake, elevating your resume to its full potential involves adding the icing on the cake, which often includes references, industry publications, company-based validation, your LinkedIn profile link, personal websites, and industry body associations. These elements serve as powerful endorsements of your professional journey, lending credibility, showcasing expertise, and demonstrating active involvement in your field.

By incorporating these components, you not only strengthen your resume but also present a comprehensive and compelling narrative of your career, underscoring your commitment to excellence and continuous growth, while making it easily shareable for broader professional engagement. (The author is HR Head at Advantage Club) Education Loan Information: Calculate Education Loan EMI.

From: abplive

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