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Rudy Giuliani pushes back on testimony that he was drunk on election night 2020, says he was drinking Diet Coke

Rudy Giuliani’s office tweeted that the former mayor drank Diet Coke on election night 2020. The statement came after a Trump advisor at the January 6 committee hearings alleged he was drunk that night. Sign up for our newsletter to receive our top stories based on your reading preferences — delivered daily to your inbox.

Loading Something is loading. Email address By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider as well as other partner offers and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . Rudy Giuliani responded to claims that he was drunk on election night 2020 in a tweet on Monday night, insisting he “was drinking diet coke all night.

” The claim about the former New York mayor’s behavior at the White House election night party resurfaced during Monday’s January 6 committee hearings. In a taped deposition former advisor to then-President Donald Trump Jason Miller said: “I think the mayor was definitely intoxicated, but I do not know his level of intoxication when he spoke with the president, for example. ” After, the former mayor’s media office tweeted about his drinking Diet Coke, attributing the claim to an unnamed “fellow guest.

” —The Official Giuliani Media (@RudyCommon) June 13, 2022 In a following tweet , the media office wrote: “The January 6th committee is not trying to seek the truth,” instead suggesting topics Giuliani thought the committee should focus on. Miller’s comment to the committee is consistent with a detailed account from “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J Trump’s Catstrophic Final Year,” by Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker, an excerpt from which was published in The Washington Post in 2021.

Per their account of election night, Giuliani was “causing a commotion,” and several people around him speculated that he was drunk , prompting Miller and two other advisors to take him aside. There, the account says, Giuliani urged advisors to tell Trump he had won the election, despite the available voting totals not supporting that conclusion. Michael Wolff, author of “Landslide: the Final Days of the Trump President,” told MSNBC last year that Giuliani was “incredibly drunk” on election night.

(Wolff’s work has come under scrutiny after multiple White House correspondents pointed out inconsistencies in an earlier book on Trump, “Fire and Fury. ” Wolff has said he is “comfortable” with everything in it. ) The question of what Giuliani drank may be relevant to the January 6 committee hearings as it sheds light on the quality of the information Trump sought out from advisors on election night.

In her opening remarks , committee member Rep. Liz Cheney referred to upcoming testimony that would show Trump “rejected the advice of his campaign experts on election night, and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani, to just claim he won, and insist that the vote counting stop. ” Speaking to CNN after the hearing, however, committee member Rep.

Jamie Raskin said that he “really can’t tell the difference” between Giuliani sober and Giuliani drunk, as Mediaite reported . “And it doesn’t make any difference, because what he was spouting – as Attorney General Barr said and as numerous witnesses confirmed – was complete nonsense. ” He was referring to Bill Barr’s testimony, during Thursday’s hearing , where he said Trump’s election-fraud claims were “complete bullshit.

” Giuliani’s office did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for additional comment. .

From: businessinsider_us

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