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HomeAutoThe Smug Is Strong With This One: Guy Gets Ratioed Into Oblivion for Shaming Neighbors' Gas Powered Cars

The Smug Is Strong With This One: Guy Gets Ratioed Into Oblivion for Shaming Neighbors’ Gas Powered Cars


Do you remember that episode of ‘South Park’ where all the smug drivers of hybrid vehicles liked the smell of their own farts? It was the perfect way to encapsulate the snobby mindset of some of the people who drive electric vehicles. And, hoo boy, this guy is like a ‘South Park’ character come to life: Morning all, reason #42069 I love our vehicles. With a few kWh they warm up, without poisoning my neighbors air.

Had the extreme displeasure of smelling this 20th century vehicle vomiting carbon monoxide and other harmful contaminants in my face this morning. My kids… His post concludes: My kids play here, man! There was no way Twitter/X users were going to let him post this ridiculousness and get away with it. And he got the ratio he richly deserved.

Right so your rechargeable cars can just poison the air in somebody else’s neighborhood where the power plant is. It’s not pollution elimination it’s pollution displacement. Until we shift the supply to renewables.

And that’s a long ways off buddy. This is exactly correct. The energy — the fossil fuel-based energy — needed to charge his car comes from .

The pollution is there. It doesn’t go away. I think the children in the mines that are digging those rare earth metals out of the ground so you can drive that Tesla would feel differently.

See? Ryan’s kids matter. The kids in Africa and elsewhere mining for cobalt? Not so much. And if you have an electric car where I live, it runs on 82% coal power.

A very inconvenient fact Ryan doesn’t seem to understand. We want to buy your neighbor an old school diesel…. have him shoot us a dm.

Sounds like a plan. We hope you follow through on this. Ryan is as stupid as he is self-righteous.

His car is powered by coal and child slave labor. But he’s morally superior to his neighbors, because he says so, and that’s what’s important here. Shaming them on Twitter for not being able to drop tens of thousands of dollars on an electric vehicle is just a bonus.

I thank the good Lord that you sir are sticking up for the child cobalt labor that the CCP owns. Without YOU, these kids have NO FUTURE!!! Ryan is the epitome of privilege. Meanwhile, manufacturing your EV produced like 38% more emissions than manufacturing your neighbor’s car.

That’s on top of the harmful mining your EV required. Also, where does the power come from to charge it? Unicorn farts? And what happens when you need a new battery? There you go, being all logical. He won’t be able to answer these questions, because he doesn’t care about the realities of his choices, or the outcomes.

Just his and how his car makes him feel. EV owner not being a total douche difficulty level: impossible. It really is impossible, isn’t it? Dude your car is charged by a coal plant… How does he not get this? Also, .

Mind your own business, Gladys Kravitz. The stench of your smug is far worse. This is the episode of ‘South Park’ we were talking about.

And Ryan is the guy on the right. No, you’re poisoning people miles from you where the electricity is generated. Since they’re not your neighbors, just go on feeling virtuous and noble while telling everyone what a savior you are But his kids play , man.

Who cares about the kids around the coal plant that charges his vehicle? That’s a lot of words to tell us you’re a performative Karen. It really is. That’s cool.

Now do the powerplant where your power comes from you pretentious git. He charges his vehicle with magic, so it doesn’t need any power. Or something.

What produces your kWh Ryan? Oh, Ryan, when will you answer this question? The power company thanks you for your patronage. — sorry, ‘climate change. Will he shame them for not dropping dead? Probably.

“Ooh look at me, I’m rich and I can afford a $90,000 Tesla Model S while my poor neighbors can’t! I’m virtue-signaling to everyone that I’m so ecologically-conscious, but these Twitter jerks are making fun of me so I locked the replies” He’s getting absolutely dragged on Twitter. And he earned it. Carbon monoxide gas is colorless.

And odorless. Ryan is not a scientist, apparently. Imagine this guy as a neighbor.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . wow 🙄 Nah, we’re good, thanks.

Coal powered cars and their owners are so much cooler than you. much cooler. Your kids play outside before sunrise in other people’s driveways during frigid conditions? I’d question your parenting before your neighbor’s automotive decisions.

Thank you for pointing this out. His kids should be nowhere near those cars. When you have a Tesla but not enough recognition during elementary school His entire post has strong ‘PAY ATTENTION TO ME’ vibes, doesn’t it? Real life eclipses South Park in a wealthy McMansion subdivision near you.

‘South Park’ is certainly prescient, isn’t it? It predicted guys like Ryan years ago (and if you want to feel old, the ‘Smug Alert’ episode originally aired in 2006). This dimwit is cool with polluting 3rd world countries where they use child labor to mine cobalt and lithium, all so he can pretend the steam cloud coming from his neighbor’s car when it warms up is somehow harmful. It’s fine if someone else bears the brunt of his decisions.

Ryan doesn’t see the damage his vehicle causes, therefore it doesn’t exist. Electric vehicles are expensive. For many families, prohibitively so.

, not including retrofitting one’s house with the proper charging station ( ). . .

. Never mind that these elements are also finite and China owns access to many of them. Electric vehicles are not a sustainable replacement option for gas powered cars.

They just aren’t. So good for Ryan for being privileged enough to own something out of reach for most Americans. Yeah.

. . .

. . until: 1.

battery ruptures due to malfunction, car crash, or misuse of battery not consistent with its intended purpose 2. overheats and causes an electric fire 3. Battery reaches end of service life then dumped into a landfill where it poisons the environment.

But the landfill isn’t near Ryan’s house, so he won’t care. Speaking of “poison and chemicals” . .

. why don’t you explain to us the process of making those 18650 batteries in your Tesla. Also, what is done with the byproducts, their recycling options, and longevity? I’ll wait.

. . 🧐 You’ll be waiting a long time for an answer, so don’t hold your breath.


From: twitchy

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