Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Scientists discover how mosquitoes can ‘sniff out’ humans

Whether you opt for repellant, long sleeves or citronella coils, the dreaded drone of a mosquito always seems to...

WATCH: Mama bobcat and three kittens spotted at Plano golf course

PLANO, Texas — Brian Hughes loves to golf. From the backdoor of his home that sits along the...

The Double Life of the Bloodsucking Sea Lamprey

As the sun tucked itself beneath the horizon, all was still on Michigan’s White River. Kandace Griffin, a...

The Hidden Chaos That Lurks in Ecosystems

Physical scientists seem to find the phenomenon of chaos everywhere: in the orbits of planets, in weather systems, in...

British farmers face paying for border checkpoints in EU after Brexit halts exports

British farmers exporting livestock to the continent are trying to set up facilities for “red tape” checks by vets...

Scientists discover ancient shark swimming in a really strange place

One of the last things biologists expected to find in the balmy Caribbean Sea was an ancient Greenland shark,...

Can artificial intelligence really help us talk to the animals?

A dolphin handler makes the signal for “together” with her hands, followed by “create”. The two trained dolphins...

What Turtles Can Teach Humans About the Science of Slow Aging

There are three ways to die: of injury, disease, or old age. Over time, humans have gotten better...

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