Saturday, February 15, 2025

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If Humans Went Extinct, Would a Similar Species Evolve?

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‘Angry minion’ with no anus not related to humans after all, scientists conclude

One less relative to be embarrassed about – scientists have ruled out the possibility that a 535m-year-old microscopic fossil...

How quirk of primate evolution gave humans the voice apes lack

Scientists have identified evolutionary modifications in the voice box distinguishing people from other primates that may underpin a capability...

The Hidden Chaos That Lurks in Ecosystems

Physical scientists seem to find the phenomenon of chaos everywhere: in the orbits of planets, in weather systems, in...

What Turtles Can Teach Humans About the Science of Slow Aging

There are three ways to die: of injury, disease, or old age. Over time, humans have gotten better...

Cockroaches are evolving to prefer low-sugar diets. That could be bad news for humans

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app Apparently, humans aren't the only animals going keto . ...

Explosion of life on Earth linked to heavy metal act at planet’s centre

At the centre of the Earth, a giant sphere of solid iron is slowly swelling. This is the...

Early human ancestors one million years older than earlier thought

The fossils of our earliest ancestors found in South Africa are a million years older than previously thought, meaning...

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