Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Elon Musk’s Starship Megarocket Reaches Space But Explodes In Second Test Flight

The world’s largest rocket reached space, which was a success for the company. SpaceX attempted a second launch...

It Rains Molten Sand on This Backward Alien Planet, Webb Telescope Data Reveals

JWST data shows an atmosphere of water vapor and noxious sulfur dioxide, capped with sandy clouds. We make...

Astronomers Witness A Dead Star Flare Back to Life

Bizarre flashes of light from a distant galaxy could help solve the mystery behind cosmic events called luminous, fast...

Drop Everything And Watch the 2023 Leonid Meteors Peak This November

It's one of the brightest meteor shower of the year, and the celestial display arrives at its peak this...

Study Finds "Hierarchy" of Physical Activities Healthier Than Sitting — Sleeping is One

Moderate-vigorous activity and even lighter intensity, like sleeping, benefit the heart. Sitting isn’t good for you. That’s...

Goodbye Statins? New Gene Editing Therapy Slashes High Cholesterol

This is a small clinical trial but the promising new therapy could provide relief for millions. Across the...

This Easy, Lazy Science Hack Ditches Raking And Leaves Lawns Healthier

Instead of bagging fall leaves, take the lazy way out and get a more environmentally friendly yard. Autumn...

Celebrate Curiosity’s 4,000th Martian Day With These Incredible Images

Mark Curiosity’s major milestone with these 8 images. NASA’s Curiosity mission has just passed a special milestone. ...

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