Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Trending Topics



Big Pharma Is Avoiding Taxes, and Trump’s Tax Reforms Made It Worse

On Thursday, Brad Setser of the Council of Foreign Relations — esteemed by cognoscenti for his forensic analyses of...

The Struggle to Explain the ‘Gender Well-Being Gap’

Just in time for Mother’s Day comes new research analyzing surveys that show that women around the world are...

The Demonization of the Homeless Has Vile Consequences

Opinion Columnist You may notice that my Now Reading links this week all have to do with homelessness. ...

Why Does Bad Science on Covid’s Origin Get Hyped?

You might think that, over the past year or two, public debate about the origins of the pandemic has...

The U.S. Dollar as Reserve Currency: Probably Still Safe

Talk of “de-dollarization” and its dire consequences for the U. S. economy seems to be all over the...

Must Read