Friday, September 20, 2024

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Kanye West Was Right(ish)

This story is adapted from Black Skinhead: Reflections on Blackness and Our Political Future , by Brandi Collins-Dexter. ...

When the Big One Hits Portland, Cargo Bikers Will Save You

The Rose Festival is Portland, Oregon’s biggest event of the year. There’s a waterfront carnival, a flower show,...

The Curious Afterlife of a Brain Trauma Survivor

Sophie Papp and her family had a ritual for the recently departed. Whenever a relative died, she and...

The Double Life of the Bloodsucking Sea Lamprey

As the sun tucked itself beneath the horizon, all was still on Michigan’s White River. Kandace Griffin, a...

The High-Stakes Race to Engineer New Psychedelic Drugs

This is what happens when a mouse trips out: It becomes more curious about other mice and more likely...

Meet the Lobbyist Next Door

At first glance, the posts appeared to have nothing in common. A Philadelphia-area attorney who proffers financial advice...

When Covid Came for Provincetown

It is July 10, 2021, a Saturday, and Sean Holihan is on a short flight down the East Coast...

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