Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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A Clever Way to Map the Moon’s Surface—Using Shadows

As early as 2025, NASA’s astronauts will be back on the moon. It will be the first return...

America’s First Space Tourist Signs Up for Moon Trip on SpaceX’s Starship

Twenty-one years after becoming the first paying passenger to visit the International Space Station, California financial analyst Dennis Tito...

The Moon Might be One Large Chunk that was Blasted Off the Earth Billions of Years Ago

Where did the Moon come from? The widely-accepted view is that the Moon is a result of an ancient...

Phew, NASA’s CAPSTONE is no Longer Tumbling in Space

Engineers with the trouble-plagued CAPSTONE mission to the Moon have made progress in stabilizing the spacecraft. A month...

The Moon is the Perfect Spot for Humanity’s Offsite Backup

In a recent study, a collaborative team of researchers discuss the potential for future lunar settlers to establish a...

NASA had Been Designing Lunar Bases for Decades Before Armstrong First Set Foot on the Moon

It’s only natural to look at the Moon and wonder what it would be like to live there. ...

Robots Might Jump Around to Explore the Moon

How great are wheels, really? Wheels need axles. Suspension. Power of some kind. And...

The Moon’s Poles Have “Wandered” Over Billions of Years

Until 1959, humans had only seen one side of the Moon. The Moon is tidally locked with Earth,...

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