Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Column: Virginia should reinvest in its “finest exports”: talent and diversity

In my two decades of serving the residents of Portsmouth, I have been given the opportunity to see Virginia’s...

Open-Source AI Isn’t Always ‘Open’ And Free

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- The most successful marketing phrase of all time may well be “artificial intelligence,” since, no, computers...

Nifty In Technical Charts: Continue Bullish, But With Greater Alertness

Alluding to the kind of movement we are witnessing currently, I had mentioned that any dip that may occur...

The “Simone Biles’s Husband” Debate Comes Down to One Thing: Insecurity

If you're one of the 3,600 people who searched "Who is ?" on Google this month, you likely learned...

Letters: Big issues | Better screening | Take a stand | No high road | Hamas surrender

Re: “ ” (Page A1, Jan. 1). I am taking an online course describing the origins and...

How A Professional Risk Manager Views Threats Posed By AI

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Runaway artificial intelligence has been a science fiction staple since the 1909 publication of E. ...

Editorial: Pentagon right to choose Hampton Roads for pilot climate program

The Defense Department’s choice of Hampton Roads as the pilot site for a program to increase climate resilience in...

2023’s Economy Will Be Hard To Top, But 2024’s Just Might

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- The American consumer ended 2023 with a burst of economic good cheer, relatively speaking. (Which...

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