Saturday, February 22, 2025

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The Technique for Detecting Meteors Could be Used to Find Dark Matter Particles Entering the Atmosphere

Researchers from Ohio State University have come up with a novel method to detect dark matter, based on existing...

Nature’s Ultra-Rare Isotopes Can’t Hide from this New Particle Accelerator

A new particle accelerator at Michigan State University is producing long-awaited results. It’s called the Facility for Rare...

A particle accelerator that just turned on could reveal rare forms of matter

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app This article was originally published on The Conversation . ...

The Fibonacci Numbers Hiding in Strange Spaces

Fourteen years ago, the mathematicians Dusa McDuff and Felix Schlenk stumbled upon a hidden geometric garden that is only...

Scientist Felix Flicker: ‘Compared with a kung fu fight in public, giving a talk on physics isn’t a problem’

F elix Flicker is a theoretical physicist working on the quantum underpinnings of matter. Born in Devon, he...

IceCube Senses Neutrinos Streaming From an Active Galaxy 47 Million Light-Years Away

Researchers using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory have detected neutrinos emanating from the energetic core of an active galaxy millions...

The New Math of Wrinkling Patterns

A few minutes into a 2018 talk at the University of Michigan, Ian Tobasco picked up a large piece...

How Far Would You Have to Tunnel Underground to Lose 20 Pounds?

The new book from Randall Munroe is finally out— What if? 2 . Surely you know Munroe from...

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