Saturday, March 29, 2025

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The College Board Tells TikTok and Facebook GPAs and Details About SAT Scores

Many students have no choice about working with the College Board, the company that administers the SAT test and...

Not so private room: Zoom’s AI privacy fiasco exposes how vulnerable we are to Big Tech’s whims

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email If there's been one topline tech story this week that feels synecdochal of...

Need to get Plan B or an HIV test online? Facebook may know about it

Looking for an at-home HIV test on CVS’ website is not as private an experience as one might think....

Does paid-for Facebook and Instagram signal end of free-access orthodoxy?

Mark Zuckerberg’s social media empire is built on billions of users – and the advertisers who pay vast sums...

‘Privacy has become a taboo,’ says crypto-anarchist project DarkFi

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon introduced one of the first critiques of centralized authority in 1848, a few years after publishing his...

Blockchain is the only viable path to privacy and censorship resistance in the 21st century

While censorship resistance and privacy are not the same thing, they are closely intertwined. When the government or...

Inside the ‘Election Integrity App’ Built to Purge US Voter Rolls

Ten days before Georgia’s Senate runoff election in 2021, Gamaliel Warren Turner Sr. , a 69-year-old veteran, found out...

Algorithms Quietly Run the City of Wasington, DC—and Maybe Your Hometown

Washington, DC, is the home base of the most powerful government on earth. It’s also home to 690,000...

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