Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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‘Stunning’ Anglo-Saxon burial site found along HS2 route

An Anglo-Saxon burial site containing the remains of more than 140 people interred with some of their most favoured...

‘If you work hard and succeed, you’re a loser’: can you really wing it to the top?

T here are, it seems, two types of “winging it” stories. First, there are the triumphant ones –...

Can We Eradicate Covid? Probably Not. An Infectious Disease Doctor Explains The Challenges

Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin We have learned over time that Covid vaccine immunity is...

You Can Trace Your Character Strengths Back To Your Worldview, Shows New Psychological Research

Science You Can Trace Your Character Strengths Back To Your Worldview, Shows New Psychological Research Mark Travers Contributor Opinions...

Brain damage helped these cigarette smokers quit, researchers say. The findings could one day help people overcome addiction.

Scientists looked at scans of people who'd coincidentally quit cigarette smoking. Getty Scientists looked at brain scans of smokers...

An ex-police officer turned senator unwittingly took ‘magic’ mushrooms without realizing — now he microdoses the drug most days to ease his depression

Canadian Senator Larry CampbellNeville Elder/Corbis/Getty Images A Canadian senator first took "magic" mushrooms without realizing it and now microdoses...

Drinking sugary drinks like soda, even just one a day, is linked to higher risk of liver cancer, a new study suggests

fotostorm/Getty Images Having a daily soda or other sweet drink may be linked to higher liver cancer risk, a...

Can Galaxies Form Without Dark Matter?

Science Can Galaxies Form Without Dark Matter? Bruce Dorminey Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. ...

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