Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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Solar System

Edward Stone Has Been the Voyagers’ Project Scientist for 50 Years. He Just Retired

Edward Stone is retiring after 50 years as Project Scientist for the Voyager mission. The twin spacecraft revolutionized...

NASA Provides a Timelapse Movie Showing How the Universe Changed Over 12 Years

The Universe is over 13 billion years old, so a 12-year slice of that time might seem uneventful. ...

Will Venus finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We recently examined how and why Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? It’s...

The Moon Might be One Large Chunk that was Blasted Off the Earth Billions of Years Ago

Where did the Moon come from? The widely-accepted view is that the Moon is a result of an ancient...

Robots Might Jump Around to Explore the Moon

How great are wheels, really? Wheels need axles. Suspension. Power of some kind. And...

NASA’s Juno To Skim the Surface of Jupiter’s Icy Moon Europa

This next week will mark a scientifically valuable achievement for NASA’s Juno mission, as the pioneering spacecraft is slated...

Space Diamonds are Even Harder Than Earth Diamonds

In a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an international team of researchers...

Flying to (Hypothetical) Planet 9: Why visit it, how could we get there, and would it surprise us like Pluto?

In a recent study submitted to Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, an international team of researchers discuss the various mission...

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