Monday, March 24, 2025

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Joe Rogan Under Fire From ADL & Other Comedians For Spreading “Vicious Lies About The Jewish People” On Spotify Show

No stranger to controversy, Joe Rogan offering the following generalization about Jews on his massively popular Spotify show: “The...

Meghan Markle says she was treated like a ‘bimbo’ and was told to suck in her stomach during her time on ‘Deal or No...

Meghan Markle appeared on NBC's "Deal or No Deal. "NBC/Getty Images Meghan Markle spoke about her time on "Deal...

WGA East-Represented Gimlet & Parcast Employees Blast Parent Company Spotify In Wake Of Layoffs

WGA East -represented writers, editors and producers at Spotify ’s Gimlet and Parcast podcasts are blasting their parent company...

‘There’s endless choice, but you’re not listening’: fans quitting Spotify to save their love of music

M eg Lethem was working at her bakery job one morning in Boston when she had an epiphany. ...

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