Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: A color-based sensor to emulate skin’s sensitivity: In a step toward more autonomous soft robots and wearable technologies, EPFL...

Home > Press > A color-based sensor to emulate skin’s sensitivity: In a step toward more autonomous soft robots...

CryMachina PS5 Review

Crymachina is NIS America and developer Furyu’s latest mecha-themed action RPG. The game serves as a spiritual successor...

All The Muscles You Need To Ride A Bike Fast

Take a minute to watch someone ride a bike down the street. Chances are, you can make an...

If you hate the gym try playing basketball instead to improve your cardio and build lower body strength, a physical therapist says

A physical therapist said that basketball is a great lower body workout. Mike Raabe/Getty Images Playing basketball can be...

The World’s Strongest Man only did 3 moves for 2 months when he started lifting. He says it built the foundation for his record-breaking...

Tom Stoltman (right) with his brother Luke. The Stoltman Brothers When the World's Strongest Man started weight lifting he...

A woman filmed herself shocking guys at her gym with how much she could lift. She says they didn’t believe she could deadlift 265...

Alice Stamp shocked the men in her gym by deadlifting 265 pounds for six reps. Alice Stamp A woman...

I used to be scared of lifting weights but seeing so many ripped women at the CrossFit semi-finals inspired me to get stronger

Katrin Davidsdottir competing at Strength in Depth, and Rachel Hosie (right) with Fittest PR director Kate Burton at the...

American women are scared to be strong but it’s the norm in Iceland, says the Icelandic former ‘world’s fittest woman,’ who trained in the...

Katrin Davidsdottir is an Icelandic CrossFit athlete. Buttery Bros, Resurgence Documentary CrossFit athlete Katrin Davidsdottir has trained in both...

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