Saturday, February 1, 2025

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Indigenously developed Lumpi-ProVac vax to tackle Lumpy Skin Disease

Indigenously developed Lumpi-ProVac vax to tackle Lumpy Skin Disease IANS Updated: December 31st, 2022, 19:35 IST in National ,...

Children’s death in Gambia due to Indian syrup a shame: Narayana Murthy

Bangalore: Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy said Tuesday the country faces huge challenges in the field of research in...

A woman volunteered to get bitten by hundreds of mosquitoes to help create a new malaria vaccine. Then she got malaria.

Carolina Reid/Rebekah Reynolds Malaria kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. One Seattle woman recently tried out...

El gobierno suspenderá pronto los pedidos de pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19

WASHINGTON — Si está buscando abastecerse de pruebas de COVID-19 en el hogar, puede ser su última oportunidad de...

Biden administration launches new push to get people boosted

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden's administration is launching a renewed push for COVID-19 booster shots for those eligible, pointing...

Shots for tots: COVID vaccinations start for youngest of US children

LEXINGTON, S. C. — Little Fletcher Pack woke up Monday morning and asked: “Is today vaccine day?” For...

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