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HomeInnovationThe ‘iPhone Effect’: Are iPhone Users More Attractive Than Androiders?

The ‘iPhone Effect’: Are iPhone Users More Attractive Than Androiders?


As it turns out, the green bubble-blue bubble war has real consequences on your romantic success. Apple has always positioned themselves as an aspirational brand. The emphasis on unmatched quality levels, a clean user experience and a distinct and consistent design is at the core of what makes it the most valuable company in the world.

When they entered the smartphone market in 2007, the iPhone (priced at a then hefty $499) became the obvious choice for people who could afford it. But crucially, it became the device other phone manufacturers wished they could build, which elevated the iPhone to a haloed status in the eyes of the average consumer. Although iPhones are in more hands today than ever before, they still haven’t shed this status-symbol image they were born with.

As with other status symbols, the iPhone has found its way into the dating scene. It’s not just about the device itself, but what it represents—a certain lifestyle, taste and even financial status. This perception, whether conscious or subconscious, can influence how we view potential partners.

Here’s a closer look at this phenomenon. Are You Letting Your Date’s iPhone Do The Talking For Them? Yes, if you’re getting serious with someone who isn’t an iPhone user, you can’t iMessage them, nor can you FaceTime them. But these are trivial things, and as Apple themselves would say, “There’s an App for That .

” The real win for those with an iPhone, in the dating scene, may have something to do with the psychological concept of the “halo effect. ” This is a cognitive phenomenon where our impression of a person in one area influences our opinion of that person in other areas. In the context of iPhones and dating, if someone perceives iPhone users as successful or trendy due to the brand’s status-symbol image, they might also perceive them as more attractive.

We see the halo effect all the time with people who have attractive physical traits. For instance, a 2022 study published in Current Psychology found that participants tend to attribute socially desirable personality traits to physically attractive individuals. Across 45 countries in 11 world regions, attractive men and women were rated as confident, emotionally stable, intelligent, responsible, sociable and trustworthy—all based on nothing but their physical appearance.

Just as in the case of the study participants, conscious thought has little to do with the halo-effect inferences we make based on the phones people use. We may not think, “This person is attractive because they have an iPhone,” but we may be tempted to believe, “It looks like they appreciate the sophisticated experience of using a phone like mine, so they must be sophisticated too. ” So, What Can You Do To Not Be Swayed By The Halo Effect Of iPhones? The first step is learning that it is a possibility.

A 2020 report found that owning an iPhone made people 76% more likely to be right-swiped on dating apps. And this is in spite of research published in PLOS ONE showing that the differences in personalities between iPhone users and Android users are negligible. The next thing you can do is scrutinize your dating choices more closely.

Understand that a phone is just a tool, and most modern phones are capable of doing everything an iPhone can. The differences are trivial, and they likely won’t make much of an impact in your ability to communicate with your significant other. Of course, if you have a history of dating people with iPhones because you have an iPhone too, part of the reason could be the “ecosystem” (iMessage, FaceTime, AirDrop and so on).

And, truth be told, the convenience associated with the ecosystem is a valid brownie point. What it shouldn’t be, however, is a minimum requirement in your pursuit for love. It is, above being a status symbol, just a glass-and-metal tool for communicating with your loved ones.

Conclusion Some people are subconsciously attracted to iPhone users because of the halo effect associated with owning a high-end product. Others see owning an iPhone as a way to buy their way into a network of other iPhone users by way of exclusive communication channels offered by iOS devices. However, the point we need to remember is that phones today are more capable than most of us need them to be.

Don’t let the type of phone a date pulls out of their pocket be a dealbreaker, because it probably isn’t. Spend your mental energy looking for real red flags, beige flags and green flags instead. .

From: forbes
URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/12/30/the-iphone-effect-are-iphone-users-more-attractive-than-androiders/

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