My wife told me a new mystery symbol showing ‘a person on the toilet’ had appeared on our car – and then I saw what it really was US TikToker Jett Wade posted about optical illusion created by dashboard sign Read more: TikTok’s Bold Glamour filter which creates a flawless complexion and perfect make-up without any technical glitches ‘threatens mental health’ By Jo Tweedy For Mailonline Published: 08:16 EST, 8 March 2023 | Updated: 12:58 EST, 8 March 2023 e-mail 3. 5k shares 382 View comments A US Tiktoker has shared how his wife called him to ask what a mystery symbol illuminated on the dashboard of their vehicle was after it refused to start – saying it showed ‘a person on the toilet’. Jett Wade, who has more than 114,000 followers on the social media platform, shared the comedy moment after he asked his wife to send him a photograph of the lit-up sign – because her description of what it was left him baffled.
When he saw the image, he realised it was actually the temperature gauge she was looking at. . .
but the freezing -4° weather meant that it also looked very much like a person using the bathroom. Bathroom humour! TikToker Jett Wade shared the snap his wife sent him of a symbol ‘showing a person on the toilet’, saying she was confused as to what it meant Those who saw the image of the temp gauge admitted they could see how the confusion happened, saying they’d never look at a -4° symbol in the same way again. Sharing with his followers he wrote: ‘My wife messaged me to say her car wasn’t starting and that the dash was showing a sign of a person on the toilet.
‘Confused, I asked her to send me a photo. . .
‘ He shared a snap of himself looking exasperated after receiving the picture. Hundreds of people have since commented on the post, with hundreds saying they agreed with Jett’s wife – and the symbol did look like someone on the toilet @Michelleedward491 wrote: ‘In her defense it does look like that’. @Jay added: ‘Once you see it you can’t unsee it’.
@melis_ozz20 agreed, saying: ‘I’m confused I also see someone sitting on the toilet’. Another added they had to ‘unblink my eyes until I could unsee it’. Share or comment on this article: TikToker reveals how his partner mistook car dashboard sign for ‘person sitting on the loo’ e-mail 3.
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