Monday, March 10, 2025

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China Launches First Solar Observatory ASO-S

China launches ASO-S, its first mission to explore the Sun. One thing’s certain in modern astronomy: you can’t...

Thanks to Hayabusa 2’s Samples, Scientists can Track the History of Ryugu Earlier in the History of the Solar System

When Huyabusa2 returned a sample of Ryugu, a Near Earth Asteroid, to Earth in December 2020, it was sure...

The Dark Energy Camera has Captured a Million Images, an Eighth of the Entire sky. Here are Some of its Best Pictures so far

In August 2013, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) began its six-year mission to map thousands of galaxies, supernovae, and...

Binary Stars Live Complicated Lives, Especially Near the End

We know what will happen to our Sun. It’ll follow the same path other stars of its ilk...

Astronomers see Tantalizing Evidence for one of the First Stars to Form in the Universe

According to the predominant cosmological model, the first stars in the Universe formed roughly 100,000 years after the Big...

LICIACube Sends Home Images of the DART Impact and the Damage to Dimorphos

The Light Italian CubeSat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) has returned a series of close-up images of the asteroid...

The Bright Core of This Spiral Galaxy Reveals an Actively Feeding Supermassive Black Hole

Hubble Space Telescope observes a lot of galaxies. Some of them are wild-looking while others seem fairly placid....

Mysterious Europa Gets an Extreme Closeup From NASA’s Juno Probe

Over the course of a brief two-hour opportunity, NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured a rare close look at Europa, an...

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