Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Satellites can now Measure the Thickness of Ice Sheets all Year Long

Artificial intelligence can do more than paint planets as bowls of soup . It’s now helping researchers acquire...

A new way to Discover Planets? Astronomers Detect an Exoplanet by Seeing its Trojan Belts

Although we have found thousands of exoplanets in recent years, we really only have three methods of finding them....

These are all the planets that the James Webb Space Telescope has observed so far

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app When the James Webb Space Telescope revealed its first five...

A Galaxy With Ten Times the Mass of the Milky Way is Preparing to Become a Quasar

One of the fundamental questions in astronomy is how galaxies formed over 13 billion years ago and have evolved...

Galactic Superwinds From Supernovae and Newly-Forming Stars Shape a Galaxy’s Early Development

Astronomers have long believed that supernovae and stellar winds drive outflows from galaxies known as superwinds. New research...

There Could be as Many Water Worlds as Earths in the Milky Way

On July 12th, 2022, NASA released the first images acquired by the James Webb Space Telescope, which were taken...

The Tonga Eruption Produced a 90-Meter Tsunami

The gigantic underwater Tonga volcano eruption event captured the world’s attention in January of this year. People from...

A newly-discovered planet that is half-water, half-rock is straight out of science fiction

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app Since the 1990s, scientists have cataloged thousands of planets outside...

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