Monday, March 10, 2025

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Days on Earth have been getting longer since 2020 and scientists don’t know why

If you've always thought that there are exactly 24 hours in a day and not a second more or...

Dwarf Galaxies Found Without Influence From Dark Matter

Ask astronomers about dark matter and one of the things they talk about is that this invisible, mysterious “stuff”...

Earth is spinning faster than it should be and no one is sure why

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app If the days feel like they get shorter as you...

Did you Want More Scientific Information About the First set of Images From JWST? Fill Your Boots

On July 12th, 2022, NASA and its partner agencies released the first James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations to...

An Interstellar Meteor Struck the Earth in 2014, and now Scientists Want to Search for it at the Bottom of the Ocean

Back in 2014, an object crashed into the ocean just off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Data...

JWST Turns Its Gaze on the Cartwheel Galaxy

The Cartwheel Galaxy, also known as ESO 350-40, is one disturbed-looking piece of cosmic real estate. To look...

Oh my days! Midnight comes a fraction sooner as Earth spins faster

If time feels tighter than ever of late, blame it on the revolution. On 29 June this year,...

K2 PanSTARRS Still a Fine Binocular Comet Through late 2022

Long anticipated comet K2 PanSTARRS puts on its best show through the end of 2022. An icy visitor...

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