Monday, March 10, 2025

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Stellar Flybys Leave a Permanent Mark on Newly Forming Planetary Systems

What do UX Tauri, RW Aurigae, AS 205, Z CMajoris, and FU Orionis have in common? They’re young stellar...

Jupiter’s Giant Moons Prevent it From Having Rings Like Saturn

When the name Saturn is uttered, what comes to mind? For most people, the answer would probably be, “its...

The Mars Sample Return Mission Will Take Two Helicopters to the Red Planet to Help Retrieve Samples

NASA’s upcoming Mars Sample Return mission plan just received a glow-up: it will now carry a pair of twin...

The James Webb is Measuring Distant Galaxies 5-10 Times Better Than any Other Telescope

On December 25th, 2021 , after many years of waiting, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) finally launched to...

A Black Hole can Tear a Neutron Star Apart in Less Than 2 Seconds

Almost seven years ago (September 14th, 2015), researchers at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detected gravitational waves (GWs)...

The Heaviest Neutron Star Ever Seen got There by Feasting on its Companion

Life’s not too good if you’re the companion of a black widow. Here on Earth, spiders by that...

Astronomers Have Digitized 94,000 Photographic Plates of the Night sky, Going Back 129 Years

Since the early days of the internet, and even computers more generally, there has been a push to collect...

Hubble Sees a Mirror Image of the Same Galaxy Thanks to Gravitational Lensing

It’s been an amazing couple of weeks for fans of gravitational lensing. JWST grabbed the headlines with a...

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