Thursday, February 13, 2025

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After being diagnosed with cyclothymia at age 30, I kept my struggles a secret. I was raised to portray the image of a successful...

Courtesy of Yvonne Liu I've struggled with depression, but kept it secret because that's what my family taught me...

Klondike discontinuing the Choco Taco is the end of an era

I must have been between the ages of 7 and 10 the last time I had a Choco Taco....

I lost my voice. I had no idea how that would affect every part of my life.

The author suffers from vocal-cord scars that have left her voiceless. Courtesy of Jenna Glatzer I was diagnosed with...

My 9-year-old son and I share a room. After the death of my father and a divorce, it brings comfort to both of us.

The author and her son share a bedroom but sleep in separate beds. Heidi Borst My son and I...

I grew up in a narcissistic family. I’m not having kids because I want the cycle to end

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app When my grandfather passed away more than three years ago,...

I created the sustainable clothing brand for kids I couldn’t find when I was pregnant. We make clothes from old fishing nets and deadstock...

I was shopping for children's clothes while I was pregnant with my first child when I noticed the lack...

My kids were more eco-friendly than me. They pushed me to go green.

Captain Planet taught me to save the Earth in the 1990s, but it turns out his advice was pretty...

I spend 6 months of the year traveling with my 3 kids. They learn more through traveling than being in a classroom.

Jenna and Joel Young travel with their three children for about six months out of the year. Courtesy of...

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