Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Health Explainers

Bruxism is terrible for your health but there are plenty of ways to stop grinding your teeth so much

If left untreated, bruxism can cause chipped teeth. Henadzi Pechan / Getty Images To stop grinding your teeth, ask...

7 reasons why you fart more than the average person, according to gut-health experts

While some people find it embarrassing to pass gas in front of others, or even to just talk about...

8 causes of black blood or discharge, from implantation bleeding to cancer

It's not uncommon to see black blood at the beginning or end of your period. Satjawat Boontanataweepol/Getty Images Blood...

6 reasons why you have more discharge than usual, from BV to STIs

If your discharge has increased after starting birth control, fear not — it’s a normal symptom of hormonal changes....

Do sugary cocktails actually cause a hangover? The research-based effects of mixing sugar and alcohol

Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images Mixing sugar and alcohol won't directly cause a hangover — but sugar could...

How to reduce bloating with 8 science-backed tips

Nuts are a healthy and low FODMAP snack that can help reduce bloating. bymuratdeniz/Getty Images To get rid of...

Why does my vagina smell fishy? Gyno’s explain the most likely causes

Trichomoniasis is an STI that may cause a fishy smell, painful urination, and lower belly discomfort. KATERYNA KON/SCIENCE PHOTO...

9 ways to better communicate with someone you don’t like, according to therapists

It can be difficult, but empathizing with a difficult person can help improve communication. grinvalds / Getty Images It’s...

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