Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Health Explainers

6 reasons why your dogs’ nose is dry and when to be concerned

If your dog's nose is cracking or rough, they could have a skin condition called nasal hyperkeratosis. TOSHIHARU ARAKAWA/Getty...

9 reasons why you’re having trouble falling asleep and what to do next

Your inability to get sleep at night could be due to anything from stress to insomnia. JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images...

7 research-backed benefits of cardamom and how to use this versatile spice more often

Cardamom is a great addition to everything from sweet baked goods to savory curries. Andrew Hounslea/Getty Images Cardamom, which...

How to get rid of stabbing foot cramps fast and prevent them in the future

Foot cramps can strike at any time but are common around bedtime. Staras / Getty Images To get rid...

6 tips for boosting critical thinking skills to avoid biases and make more informed decisions

Critical thinking is a skill that can be very helpful in life and learning it early on may help...

What the overturning of Roe v. Wade means for ectopic pregnancy and how to get the care you need

Ectopic pregnancies are responsible for 6% of pregnancy-related deaths. Janie Airey / Getty Images An ectopic pregnancy can be...

10 surprising health benefits of squats, from improved posture to better mobility

It's important to master the basic squat to effectively gain health benefits. LumiNola/Getty Images Squats are one of the...

8 ways to treat poison ivy at home and relieve the itchy rash

If you have poison ivy, it's important to wash the skin first. Jung-Pang Wu/Getty Images If you come into...

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