Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Tom Bell, CEO of Maast on embedded finance for software companies

Enjoying our podcasts? Don’t miss out on future episodes! Please hit that subscribe button on Apple , Spotify ,...

The Vital Role of Technology in Resource Management

By Tiffany Adams, freelance writer. You’ve surely heard that we’re living in an era of rapid technological transformation....

Revolutionizing Recruitment: AI and HR Tech

Source: https://unsplash. com/photos/VLkoOabAxqw/download?ixid=M3wyNTU4NTN8MHwxfHNlYXJjaHw1fHxBSSUyMHJlY3J1aXRtZW50fGVufDB8MHx8fDE3MDEzMzAxMzR8MA In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge HR technologies have taken the recruitment industry by...

CircuitPython 9.0.0 Alpha 6 Released! @circuitpython

From the GitHub release page : This is CircuitPython 9. 0. 0-alpha. 6 , an alpha release...

Addressing the Silent Crisis of Failed Payments – Fintech Singapore

by Rebecca Oi December 11, 2023 In a global financial landscape where efficiency and accuracy are paramount, the challenge...

Michael Saylor Unveils Why MicroStrategy’s Bitcoin (BTC) Bet Paid Off

Beyond the bout of profit that the business intelligence and software firm has seen in the last few weeks,...

Autonomous Electric Truck Transports GE Appliances – CleanTechnica

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News ! The...

Leveraging Global Momentum for Sustainability Reporting and Impact | GreenBiz

Date/Time: December 14, 2023 (12-1PM ET / 9-10AM PT) Global regulatory requirements such as CSRD, California’s SB-253 & SB-261,...

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