Friday, February 7, 2025

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How is beer made? Even the smallest change in the process can change its color, taste, and aroma

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. Beer is made with malted grains, hops, water, and yeast. Master1305/Shutterstock...

Is smoking weed bad for your heart? What the research says about cannabis use and heart health

Smoking cigarettes is known to be one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease . But cannabis...

Which potato is the best for potato salad? The secret boils down to what texture you prefer

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. You’ll want to determine the texture you prefer first, then choose...

The best ways to get rid of ants in your home and how to keep them out permanently

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. There are many natural and conventional methods to get rid of...

A beginner’s guide to drinking bourbon

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. Four popular ways to drink bourbon, from left: neat, with a...

9 tips to keep yourself cool without air conditioning

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. Fans can help you stay cool, but they won't lower the...

How to clean a glass weed pipe to remove buildup and prevent bacteria growth

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. It's important to clean your glass pipe regularly to remove buildup...

What to say and what not to say to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one

Prices are accurate at the time of publication. Sometimes saying nothing and just listening is what people need. PeopleImages...

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