Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Beam me down: can solar power from space help solve our energy needs?

I n late November, a top-level meeting of European science ministers will convene in Paris. Their job is...

NASA’s DART Spacecraft Smashes Into an Asteroid—on Purpose

NASA’s usually pretty careful with its space probes. But this time, with DART, it’s different. A team...

Nasa’s Dart probe to smash into asteroid in first Earth defence test

Most mission scientists would wince at the thought of their spacecraft being smashed to smithereens. But for those...

Are super-Earths more friendly to life than our planet?

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app This article was originally published on The Conversation . ...

NASA’s Juno To Skim the Surface of Jupiter’s Icy Moon Europa

This next week will mark a scientifically valuable achievement for NASA’s Juno mission, as the pioneering spacecraft is slated...

Can Astronomers Predict Which Stars Are About to Explode as Supernovae?

In a recent study submitted to High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, a team of researchers from Japan discuss strategies to...

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Digs Up Organic Molecules on Mars

After trundling around the Jezero crater for 550 Martian days, NASA’s Perseverance rover has amassed nearly half its planned...

Flying to (Hypothetical) Planet 9: Why visit it, how could we get there, and would it surprise us like Pluto?

In a recent study submitted to Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, an international team of researchers discuss the various mission...

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