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This Is The Difference Between A Movie Director And A Movie Producer


Consumer Tech This Is The Difference Between A Movie Director And A Movie Producer Quora Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. New! Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. Got it! Aug 19, 2022, 08:00pm EDT | New! Click on the conversation bubble to join the conversation Got it! Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Famous Talented Female Director in Chair Looks at Display talks with Assistant, Shooting .

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Green Screen Scene in Historical Drama. Film Studio Set Professional Crew Doing High Budget Movie getty What is the main difference between a movie producer and director? originally appeared on Quora : the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Clayton Brown, Filmmaker and Film Professor, Northwestern University, on Quora : The relationship between producer and director varies wildly between no-budget, micro, small, traditional, and large budget films, Indies, studio films, etc.

There are also different types of producers, multiple producers. Producers are involved with funding, logistics and making the movie happen, and often they hire directors, but on smaller films a director might hire / fire a producer. Here is the main difference: the director is in charge of everything creative, and the producer is mostly concerned with everything logistical.

Directors create and safeguard a vision for the film and have final say on just about everything creative in terms of costumes, locations, looks for cinematography, production design, shots and sequences, and, most importantly, the way the actors interpret the script. Directors work closely with actors to coax the best performances possible from them. So the director doesn’t just have input on how the movie is made, s/he defines how the movie is made.

Producers may or may not have any influence or voice at all. If it’s a veteran producer working with a newbie director on a larger shoot, they may have considerable influence, but most of it is behind the scenes rather than on set designing shots, etc. For example, they might say “we don’t have the funds or the time to do that location, so we’re going to have to nix that subplot.

” A more high-power director might say “no, we need it. Figure it out. ” MORE FOR YOU Google Issues Warning For 2 Billion Chrome Users Forget The MacBook Pro, Apple Has Bigger Plans Google Discounts Pixel 6, Nest & Pixel Buds In Limited-Time Sale Event A lot of push, pull, and cooperation / tension between directors and producers.

Both would say they have tremendous influence, and they might both be right, but it is a very different kind of influence. This question originally appeared on Quora – the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Follow me on Twitter .

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From: forbes

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