Innovation Web3 And The Future Of Medicine José Morey Forbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Opinions expressed are those of the author. | Membership (fee-based) Jun 22, 2022, 06:45am EDT | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Chief Executive Officer of Ad Astra Media and Chief Medical Officer of Ever Medical Technologies .
getty When the internet was invented, few could see its incredible potential, let alone harness it. In fairness, the first iteration of the World Wide Web was introduced at a time when the mere concept of online connectivity was brand new. Even mobile phones at the time were highly inaccessible, being large, clunky and incredibly expensive, with many people still relying on traditional postal services and landline-based telephones for most communication.
Given how transformative the internet has been for our daily lives, it’s easy to think back and laugh at all who overlooked the importance of its birth—but with Web3 just around the corner, will we fall to the same mistakes? Will we fail to identify the capabilities of the web’s next iteration, or will we be able to fully utilize it for yet another transformative, paradigm-shifting user experience? Evolution Of The Web Luckily, our past is more than enough to help guide us forward. In its first iteration, Web1’s content was still highly decentralized , with users and organizations hosting personal servers and sites that users could only navigate using classic hyperlink technology. Interactions were minimal, and most sites were simple and clunky, but the web’s intrinsic freedom quickly attracted more and more users, compounded by the efforts of private and public entities to improve infrastructure and accessibility.
The web was mostly used as a seemingly limitless space for content, whether personal or advertorial—the latter of which would quickly be capitalized by corporations. MORE FOR YOU Google Issues Warning For 2 Billion Chrome Users Forget The MacBook Pro, Apple Has Bigger Plans Google Discounts Pixel 6, Nest & Pixel Buds In Limited-Time Sale Event As more competition and corporate influence grew, so too would the web’s capabilities, bringing forth a new evolution of data tracking tools and ways for users to interact with website owners. Web2 would prove to be a double-edged sword, however, as centralized services would become the norm, and web-based capitalism would reign.
Though more users were gaining accessibility than ever before, it was also now understood by corporations that the web provided greater value as a tool for understanding and manipulating user behavior, removing user experience as a priority. Any avid user of the web in its current form knows firsthand that accessibility and overall user experiences could still be massively improved, but it almost feels like nothing is being done about it. Thankfully, it’s not all bad news.
While we may have to keep our guard up for a while longer, Web3 is bringing with it a tide of technologies and innovations that will take power and priority back to the individual user. Whereas the first two iterations of the web evolved almost as testing grounds, pushing the web to test its capabilities and limits in connecting the world socially and economically, heavy emphasis is now being placed on establishing privacy, trust and security. This, in turn, will be a catalyst for greater interaction and dependency on the web, laying the groundwork for further forms of complex interaction that we’re only just beginning to unravel.
Having a dependable, secure foundation that protects users has wider implications than you might think. Many technologies, such as natural language processing, AI, machine learning and more, have been held back in fear of what their utilization might mean for user privacy. Now, however, the floodgates can be freely opened.
User connectivity can be massively improved with preeminent technologies, greatly increasing user experience. More devices could be connected, which would further data ubiquity across more devices, make use of edge computing or even create a semantic web where websites can freely share information among themselves for further enhancement. All the while, user privacy and security remain at the forefront of everything, ensuring users have power over their own data, perhaps even expanding their control in ways we may have never considered before, such as personally monetizing the collection of our data.
Web3: The Future Online services that exist today would thrive immensely from Web3’s security, functionality and overall dependability, especially in fields that revolve more heavily around user privacy and data security—like that of medical services. Take TYDEi , for example, where the next level of medical device management is beginning. Its founder, John Hatchell, sold medical devices for 15 years, observing firsthand how cluttered, unorganized and inefficient hospital management systems were.
Not only was the process of clearing paperwork for purchases abysmal, but Hatchell also likely witnessed how long it would take for medical personnel to learn how to use or submit requests for new equipment. In the same vein, Artivatic. ai’s ASPIRE Health quest to fully automate the provision of personalized employee health benefits to ensure maximum value from employers and employees requires the ongoing exchange of vast amounts of highly confidential information, and from an ever-growing number of parties.
Current systems simply lack the capacity to do so. For Ever Medical Technologies (of which I am Chief Health Officer), where the very notion of healthcare is being rebuilt for a paradigm of insight and innovation, blockchain and decentralization are already core to their identity of creating truly patient-centric healthcare systems. From the company’s unsiloed, open-party data exchange network to personalized digital health wallets and AI/machine learning-powered hospital record systems, connectivity is key.
With how Web3 promises to connect users in secure, online, real-time environments, patients would easily and securely gain access to healthcare options from all around the world. Insurance providers, on the other hand, could rest assured knowing all information received is fully verified and reliable. The massive increase in communicative efficiency also directly tackles one of today’s biggest healthcare issues— a disproportionately large amount of time spent on administrative duties —amounting to incredible optimization of resources for medical institutions of all kinds.
This is especially impactful in countries where healthcare options are limited, further compounded by an abundance of healthy competition between medical institutions from every corner of the globe while also pressuring governments to reevaluate legislation surrounding health care availability. All in all, the race to fully harness Web3’s capabilities has begun. Though we’re only just getting a glimpse of its impact, the good it will bring is undeniable, and patients everywhere will stand to benefit from the web’s next evolution.
Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify? Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . Check out my website .
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