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You Can Trace Your Character Strengths Back To Your Worldview, Shows New Psychological Research


Science You Can Trace Your Character Strengths Back To Your Worldview, Shows New Psychological Research Mark Travers Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. I write about the world of psychology. New! Follow this author to improve your content experience.

Got it! Jun 15, 2022, 02:33pm EDT | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin The strength of your character might have roots in your beliefs about the world. getty A new study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology shows that having a positive ‘primal’ worldview, i. e.

, viewing the world as a safe, enticing, and purposeful place, has a strong link with character strengths like hope, gratitude, and curiosity. “Recent theories have hypothesized that primal world beliefs are catalysts of personality differences and development — and that ‘primals’ can help us understand why humans differ in their attitudes, emotional dispositions, and typical behaviors,” explains psychologist Alexander Stahlmann of the University of Zurich. Stahlmann contends that primal world beliefs are organized in a hierarchy based on their level of abstraction.

The most abstract or general primal is the belief in a good (vs. bad) world. Secondary primals that feed into the primary category include believing that the world is a: a safe (vs.

dangerous) place, an enticing (vs. dull) place, and an alive (vs. mechanistic) place There are also more than 20 tertiary primals , such as believing in a world that is regenerative (vs.

degenerative), stable (vs. fragile), just (vs. unjust), and so on.

For instance, an individual who views the world as a good place (primary primal) might do so because they also view it as an enticing place (secondary primal) as a result of believing that the world values them and their efforts (tertiary primal). MORE FOR YOU New Research Finds A Connection Between Domestic Violence And These Two Personality Disorders This Scientist Helps Andean Forests And Ecuador’s Women In STEM Exceptional Fossil Preservation Suggests That Discovering Dinosaur DNA May Not Be Impossible Stahlmann’s study examined the co-occurrence of primary, secondary, and tertiary primals with various character strengths in a sample of 1100 German-speaking adults. The researchers found a strong connection between positive primals and the following character strengths: Hope Spirituality Zest Gratitude Curiosity Leadership According to the researchers, these results have the potential to make believing in a good world a prerequisite for developing character strengths.

In other words, becoming more hopeful, enthusiastic, and appreciative might hinge on seeing the world as a beautiful, interesting, and safe place. For anyone who wants to change their worldview in a positive way, Stahlmann shares the following suggestion: “ Everybody can see some degree of beauty in the world, but some may believe that this beauty is confined to treasured places or memories,” he says. “Developing positive primals means gradually extending confined beliefs to the whole world.

This development may be achieved through anything that helps people realize that beauty is all around them and always has been there, no matter the historical period or what the future may hold. ” Stahlmann recommends reading travel blogs, learning from people in other cultures, and studying historical accounts as a few ways to expand the scope of one’s positive world views. “Primals research is just starting to gain momentum, but it bears the potential to help us better understand, and maybe steer, personality development,” says Stahlmann.

“Knowing these relationships is important because it will allow us to design positive psychological interventions that may develop character strengths by developing their corresponding primals. ” A full interview with Alexander Stahlmann discussing his research can be found here: The way you view the world might just be your superpower Mark Travers Editorial Standards Print Reprints & Permissions.

From: forbes
URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2022/06/15/you-can-trace-your-character-strengths-back-to-your-worldview-shows-new-psychological-research/

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