Innovation Five Lessons From The Great Reset Tom Wilde Forbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Opinions expressed are those of the author. | Membership (fee-based) Jun 30, 2022, 06:15am EDT | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Tom Wilde is the CEO of Indico Data , an unstructured data platform.
getty Having now lived and managed through three key market resets, including the dot-com crash, the recession of 2008 and the stock market reset of early this year, I’ve found several takeaways as a CEO of early-stage companies that can be consistently applied. As a CEO, competition is always a major factor, especially in developing market segments or categories. The noise is always extremely high as funding flows in to try and capture the prize when customers start to spend, and the market comes into focus.
1. Money almost never closes a technology or product gap. I’ve seen this pattern over and over again.
Technology advantages are hard to come by, but when you have them, they can be magical. But at the same time, you’re always looking over your shoulder, wondering if someone is about to catch up and steal one of your core advantages. Then, it happens—a major competitor raises a large round, or a major public company makes noise about encroaching on your space.
Major anxiety ensues. But here’s what I’ve learned—it almost never comes to pass. Competitor armed with a fresh $100 million? It’s too much capital.
Without the crucible of having to obsess about the problem night and day with tight resource constraints, no one feels the ownership and pressure to actually deliver the competitive technology. A mid-level product manager is given the task, and when results don’t quickly materialize, the company loses patience and interest and goes back to the same old product they had before. The same is true of big public companies.
Senior leadership makes a ton of noise in the market, your customers start chatting about the new offering that’s coming and you wait and wait, but it never shows up. More than once, I’ve had much bigger companies approach me about an acquisition with the veiled threat that we should sell or else they’ll steal our lunch with their bigger resources. This happened to us three years ago, and the big public company, despite all its perceived advantages, is no closer to having a competitive answer to our core advantages than they were three years ago.
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Most recently, during the market run-up of 2021, I watched as a major competitor outbid us for sales and technical salespeople with salaries 50% higher than those we were offering as they hired first dozens and then hundreds of go-to-market resources. I had a few sleepless nights wondering, “What are we missing?” How could they have found such a huge growth unlock that was justifying what to me looked like impossible salaries and headcount growth, especially when we weren’t seeing them experience unusually high win rates in the market? Sure enough, the wheels came off as soon as the market tightened, costing the CEO his job and resulting in hundreds of layoffs on the sales side of their business. The key lesson here is? Hiring more salespeople ahead of market proof fails 100% of the time and creates incredible stress on the organization’s morale.
3. Raising funds at extraordinary valuations always punishes the common shareholders and employees and unravels quickly. Building on the previous two points, the “war chest” mentality rarely succeeds, and we now have a lot of evidence of this.
The “supersized” rounds led by aggressive private equity led the charge five years ago, infusing very young companies with hundreds of millions in funding as a way to fast forward to the end game and essentially crown a winner purely on the basis of funds raised. But here’s the problem: Working through technology development, product-market fit, go-to-market fit, team building and more doesn’t get solved three times faster with three times the funding. There’s no doubt that when you achieve each of the milestones, a lack of funding can also slow or kill a promising company, but the wrong conclusion from this is that forward-loading the funding can accelerate progress through these milestones.
When you price a company to perfection (i. e. , the 50X kind of revenue multiples we saw last year), the slightest stumble leads to disaster.
CEOs get fired, market values crumble and stock options go underwater, accelerating the turnover of your best employees. 4. The intersection of your company’s maturity and market maturity takes what it takes.
This is the moment the company takes off—your product, marketing and sales team have gelled. You’ve found a clear fit with a large set of customer needs. And importantly, the market is ready.
The dynamics in your target market are such that customers have found that your solution solves a critical pain point, and you’re helping them increase revenues, cut costs or improve efficiency. You have a few capable competitors, but your differentiators are clear, compelling and defensible. But here’s the catch: You’re only in control of parts of this equation.
Sometimes, it comes together just as planned; sometimes, it doesn’t. It’s critical that you have a set of early indicators you’re watching to help make the decision as to when to scale. Because most of a company’s expenses are salary-related , you burn a ton of cash when you hire too quickly.
5. Only a strong shared mission gets you through the tough times as a team. Lastly, business cycles come and go.
Trying to optimize too closely to either end of the cycle isn’t the right answer, but being careful to protect against downside scenarios is important for young companies because you don’t get too many second chances if you run out of capital. But what I’ve learned more than anything is your ability to create and foster a strong sense of shared mission is the most powerful tool you have as a manager to create a strong culture that endures through the ups and downs of the path to building a successful business. In conclusion.
as we weather the tough times ahead, this is an opportunity to double down on your core focus and execution. Without the “monopoly money” fueling your competitors, your ability to cut through the noise of the last two years and deliver value to your customers will be significantly enhanced. Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives.
Do I qualify? Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . Check out my website . Tom Wilde Editorial Standards Print Reprints & Permissions.
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