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HomeTop News'He's been restored in his heart': Newcastle teen graduates from college after paralyzing crash

‘He’s been restored in his heart’: Newcastle teen graduates from college after paralyzing crash


NEWCASTLE, Okla. (KFOR) — The miraculous healing of Caleb Freeman has captivated faithful people around the globe. In 2017, Freeman was involved in a high-speed, T-bone crash with a semi on I-35. He was in a coma for months. News 4 has been documenting his remarkable recovery for five years. “God is working!” Oklahoma teen in critical condition after crash now recovering Over the years, Freeman’s body and his mind have continued to heal. This month, another incredible milestone for the Freeman family. In 2017, doctors weren’t sure Caleb Freeman would ever open his eyes. Caleb Freeman, in the hospital after the crash. Image KFOR They offered no guarantees for recovery; no guesses about healing. “He didn’t just walk a little, he walked a lot,” Newcastle teen critically injured in crash walks for first time in 11 weeks Five years ago, Freeman’s wreck set into motion a series of catastrophic blows to his body, to his mind and to his soul. “You look at your son and you think, ‘Ok. If he does wake up what’s he doing to be like? What’s going to be there?'” said Caleb’s father, Jeremy Freeman in 2018. By all accounts, Caleb was wrecked. He had severe, traumatic brain-damage. His life would never be the same. “We knew that God was going to use him for something bigger than we could see,” said Caleb’s mom, Emily Freeman. Caleb Freeman, fighting toward physical rehabilitation. Image KFOR Caleb’s recovery stretched on for weeks, months and then years. For five years Caleb has been fighting his way back from death. “God can be trusted in death and life and everything in between,” Jeremy said. “That’s our message.” The Freeman family became a light to the world. #butGod: Oklahoma family credits faith for miraculous healing Their rally cry: #butGod was a glimpse at a life of true faith, of believing that nothing is impossible with god. “We like to say we’re hope dealers, and we want to go out and we want to encourage people whatever situation they find themselves in,” said Jeremy. Hope is a sticky promise though, and Caleb’s story was shaping up to be the comeback of a lifetime. Five months after the wreck, Caleb walked out of the hospital. Three months later, he went back to school. Hhe learned to speak again. He taught himself to run and to race. “They said I would never run again, but god had other plans,” Caleb told News 4 in 2019 during the final race of his high school cross country season. Caleb ran the 5K with his team in one hour, 55 minutes. “They said I would never run again, #butGod had other plans” – Caleb Freeman runs his first race “When I look at him, I really do stand amazed,” Jeremy said. Two years ago, Caleb enrolled in college at Rose State. “I should be dead, but now that I have this story I feel like it’s not to be quiet and keep to myself,” Caleb said. “God has put this fire inside me, and I can’t extinguish it.” Caleb Freeman, graduate. Image KFOR He chose communications as his major because he loves to talk. Caleb lives by the the Great Commission of the gospels; go and make disciples of all nations. “Every door god opens, no matter how big or how small the audience. I’ve got to be faithful to step inside,” Caleb said. “He’s been restored in his heart, and he’s a different kid.”Jeremy Freeman, Caleb’s dad For those who first met Caleb during the grueling years of healing, it might have been hard to see how a young man could teach without talking; how a boy could lead a movement without walking. “It’s hard when I see videos of myself struggling to do things like squeeze my dad’s hand or blink,” Caleb said. “It takes me back every time. I’m like, that was me? I was so gone.” The Freemans prayed for Caleb to be restored. In the beginning, they wanted their son back. But today, they are infinitely grateful god did not deliver on that promise. Not exactly. They did not get their Caleb back. “He’s been restored in his heart, and he’s a different kid,” Jeremy said. The Caleb who has emerged from this journey is changed, forged in a fire few could understand. He walks taller. He lives bolder, unashamed and hungry for what lies ahead. Caleb’s father, Jeremy Freeman, has just published a book about their family journey. It will be on sale in stores and online later this year. You can pre-order #butGod: The Power of Hope When Catastrophe Crashes In on Amazon now.

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