Innovation A Rally Cry To Change Privacy For The Better Arjun Bhatnagar Forbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Opinions expressed are those of the author. | Membership (fee-based) Nov 7, 2022, 08:45am EST | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Arjun Bhatnagar is Co-Founder and CEO of Cloaked , a consumer-first privacy startup dedicated to bringing humanity back to the internet.
getty The average app comes standard with a built-in series of trackers designed to collect and parse data out to first and third parties. Websites collect and share cookies, shopping centers want everything short of your firstborn to complete a transaction and mobile devices are tracking your location and feeding the data back to companies (or people) who have no business accessing that information. Even children are being monitored online so their data can be collected and used to inform business, marketing and educational decisions.
Why is all of this happening? They believe that collecting the most data is the only way to create better online experiences through personalization. Not all companies are gathering data for some nefarious purpose. Many just do it in an effort to upsell or create a more customized experience.
However, this still doesn’t make it right. Nothing is sacred, and the demand for consumer data is reaching an alarming crescendo. Everywhere the average consumer goes, and nearly everything the average consumer does can be tracked or inferred using historical data they’ve already provided.
Although there’s a growing awareness of data collection and use, there’s a disparity in the level of concern that should be assigned to this knowledge. We need to define privacy online and offline. Most of us have some concept of what privacy means to us when we’re face-to-face with people in our daily lives.
Normally, most people don’t start a conversation by asking for your email and personal phone number or wanting to know where you were yesterday and what you ate. Recommended For You 1 Why The Rock’s Social Media Muscle Made Him Hollywood’s Highest-Paid Actor More stories like this Fewer stories like this 2 The Best Magnetic Lashes For Instant Length And Volume More stories like this Fewer stories like this 3 Employee Well-Being Is A Duty Of Care For Leaders More stories like this Fewer stories like this However, this is exactly what happens online. Every online journey begins with a forced choice of sharing something that can be tied to who you are.
It’s time that we, as people who have an inalienable right to privacy, draw the line. We’re forced to be complacent while data brokers and regular apps collect our info to feed a series of data-hungry machines. We’ve allowed them to control the level of privacy we can expect online.
And as long as they continue to profit from it, they aren’t going to make any changes. Although we have unspoken “contracts” about how one person is expected to interact with another or binding contracts for business-to-business conduct, there isn’t anything truly binding between businesses and people. This is why individuals need to hold online interactions and businesses with whom they interact to the same standard as they do in person, defining what privacy means to them at a universal level.
Consumers aren’t aware of the depth of influence data has on their lives. When many of us think of data collection, we think of companies using cookies to track our online behavior in an attempt to personalize marketing. Yet, the more we repeat a behavior that causes the release of dopamine (the reward neurotransmitter), the more we strengthen related synapses within the brain in a process called long-term potentiation.
I bring this up to demonstrate the power that prolonged, repetitive behavior related to online activity can have over how we live our lives. We actually allow our social media, news feeds, online searches and digital interactions to define a large part of our reality. Think about a really positive reaction that you received on social media and how that made you feel.
Maybe you carried that type of interaction over into your real life in an effort to replicate the effect. Or, think about the amount of influence your internet searches have on your habits, preferences, worldview or behaviors. This includes the news you see, the products you’re shown and the people “suggested” for your friends list.
Now, imagine that most of what you see on the internet is manufactured based on the likelihood that you’ll make a purchase or behave in some contrived way, and apps, data brokers, algorithms and third parties have control over that. In a sense, the more data we give to the internet, the more we give up control over our understanding of our reality. Companies have become overly reliant on consumer data.
Companies are usually out for one thing—to make money. And they’ve discovered that they can make a lot more money if they can predict the behaviors of their target consumers. Marketers know what products you’ve looked at based on tracking tools and how to reach you based on your browsing habits.
Product teams no longer have to wait for feedback from consumers. Instead, they can actively track how people are using their products and adjust accordingly. Quantitative data has replaced old-school surveys, focus groups and consumer interviews in many ways.
Why spend time actually asking the target consumer something when it’s so much easier to track their online behavior and rely on algorithms to find and exploit patterns? It’s become such an accepted practice that people don’t even know that it’s happening to them anymore. And many companies have lost the fundamental skills needed to truly understand their target audiences without using massive amounts of data to drive results. Shifting to a people-first privacy approach is necessary.
It’s important that we embrace a culture of privacy that makes the consumer the priority. We must start demanding a say in the data we share and how it’s used. Practicing consensual privacy means adopting consensual marketing practices and returning to a more essentialist way of collecting data.
In short, maybe it’s time companies just started asking us what we want and whether or not we want to be marketed to. Doing this may require a complete restructuring of marketing practices, research methods and consumer consent. Fortunately, as more of us become aware of the data for-profit trade, a shift across industries is forcing companies to move away from antiquated data collection practices.
I predict that a new wave of consumer education and continued misuse of data will provide a much-needed wake-up call, pushing old companies to learn new methods rooted in respect for our right to privacy. Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify? Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn .
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From: forbes