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Bearing The Bear Market: Making Sure To Put Your Customers First


Innovation Bearing The Bear Market: Making Sure To Put Your Customers First Prayag Narula Forbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Opinions expressed are those of the author. | Membership (fee-based) Jul 11, 2022, 07:00am EDT | Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Prayag Narula, co-founder & CEO of Marvin , user interview platform for research, product, design and consulting teams.

Talk to your users! getty The pendulum in the tech industry has swung from boom to bust in a matter of weeks. Open any news app, and you’ll read about plummeting valuations, mass layoffs, hiring freezes and public companies trading at the lowest PE ratios since even before the pandemic. Technology helped us adjust to a new reality in the past two years, and many in the space profited from a swift shift to digital workforces.

What do we do now that the hype cycle is over? We focus on what matters: adding real value to our customers. Delighting Your Current Customers During this temporary market slowdown, we must invest all our energy into customer retention. Putting customers first means prioritizing user research—an initiative often on the chopping block when companies need to cut back their budgets.

It may not feel intuitive to spend time on non-revenue-driving activities. But investment in understanding your users’ needs today can lead to customer delight (and recurring revenue) in the long run. According to McKinsey analysts in a 2018 report, “We found a strong correlation between successful companies and companies that resisted the temptation to cut spending on research, prototyping, or concept generation at the first sign of trouble.

” MORE FOR YOU Google Issues Warning For 2 Billion Chrome Users Forget The MacBook Pro, Apple Has Bigger Plans Google Discounts Pixel 6, Nest & Pixel Buds In Limited-Time Sale Event We don’t know better than our customers—and the best leaders not only acknowledge this, they embrace it. Consider Steve Jobs , one of the greatest business minds of all time, and the notorious example people give when building products without customer feedback: “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. ” But if that were true, why did Apple build one of the largest user research teams on the planet? Because the leadership team recognizes they must deeply understand their customers’ problems to design a powerful solution.

Every product decision they make impacts millions of consumers. Talking to your customers also makes business sense. They want to give you feedback because they want your product to be successful.

They may not know exactly what they want, but they can tell you the problem they need you to fix. And fixing these problems is the key to long-term customer retention—our most reliable source of revenue when the market is clutching to its purse strings. Practical Ways To Put Your Customers First Good customers will always find time for you.

People build businesses, and people crave relationships now more than ever. That’s why now is the perfect time to rethink your growth plan and build in customer retention as its cornerstone through these five approaches. 1.

Reset your top-level business goals. Many companies set their highest targets around new brand growth and go-to-market strategies. Slowdown periods require a mindset shift—and a financial shift.

Don’t just cut the budget to make ends meet—reinvest some of your sales and marketing dollars into improving the customer experience. If you’re no longer doubling your sales team, should you hire a few more customer success reps? If you decide to hold off on building a new engineering center, can you build out your user research team instead? It’s the maniacal focus on existing customers that will help during the tough times. 2.

Improve your net promoter score (NPS). If you track feedback through NPS surveys, you already have a robust list of users with opinions about your product. Reach out to the people who gave you the worst scores and ask them for a call.

Dig into specifics to learn more about their pain points, and try to remain open-minded. Their feedback may be harsh, but it’s probably valid. They’re giving you clear insights into improvement for everyone.

Some of my biggest success stories have come from disgruntled customers who eventually came around thanks to the team’s prompt response and attempt to understand their problems. 3. Build out the enhancements customers already ask for.

It’s quite common for product teams to have a backlog of customer requests. When the sales pipeline is hot, we tend to build the flashy features that close new deals rather than the basics our customers need. Look at your road map and see if there are quick wins to delight your existing customers.

It might seem small, but the longer you put them off, the more frustrating the experience will be. Change it. 4.

Empower your team to talk to customers. One of the best investments you can make is giving your whole team permission to talk to customers. Company leaders aren’t the only people capable of building solid relationships.

You don’t have time to talk to everyone, so encourage your employees (no matter what role or level) to learn what makes customers tick. Sure, there’s an art to user research, and you want your product team to spearhead formal initiatives. But at the same time, your employees may uncover some of the best insights through informal conversations with your customers.

Give them agency to engage and share what they learn. 5. Re-engage with your whole community.

Broaden your definition of “customer” to include your whole ecosystem: your investors, partners, employees, board members and champions of all kinds. Be open, honest and direct with the circle of trust, and keep them updated on any major changes you’re about to make. Invite them in to help.

As noted above, people want to help. So, let them. The market will continue to bend and shift—it’s one of the only constants we can count on.

Let this moment remind you what really matters in business: the people who invest in your product. I challenge leaders in all roles to look at the current environment as an opportunity rather than a threat. Pause and re-evaluate your playbook.

Invest in talking to your customers, engaging with them and delighting them. Very few of us will grow our business by 10 times this year. Can we improve our NPS scores by 10 points instead? Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives.

Do I qualify? Follow me on LinkedIn . Check out my website . Prayag Narula Editorial Standards Print Reprints & Permissions.

From: forbes

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