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HomeTop NewsHere Are Some of Our Favorite Responses to Breaking Santa Claus News

Here Are Some of Our Favorite Responses to Breaking Santa Claus News


Hey, it’s Christmas and we’re having fun out here, and we sincerely hope you and yours are too! When Breaking911 reported that Santa was on his way, Twitter/X users responded just as hilariously as you might have expected. BREAKING: Santa Claus en route to North America shortly, sources say The Big Guy is coming! No, not that 10% Big Guy. We mean the one with the red suit who prefers giving to taking.

Here are some of our favorite replies to the exciting Kringle communication. This is literally the perfect response to a Santa sighting. LOL.

‘That it is, Edward. That it is, indeed. ‘ I’m waiting for the community note Bwahaha! Can you imagine? The guy ready to ruin kids lives with one community note It’s Christmas, folks.

Wield the power of Community Notes with kindness. Are you sure it’s not just another balloon? ‘Tis the season to be jorry, fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra. ‘ Yes, we’re hooked on classic Christmas movies on this fine Christmas Eve.

Santa is the ultimate Chad. Bro will break into your home in the dead of night to give your kids gifts. Toxic masculinity at its finest.

Sinterklaas is strapped, yo! BREAKING; Santa shot dead in Chicago Well, that turned dark in a hurry. Are you still a believer in Santa? Because as a Breaking News website, it’s marginal, right? Nice reference to one of the funniest Christmas moments ever from President Trump. Well played, sir.

Well played. The sampling of replies would not, of course, be complete without the obligatory nod to Elf. ‘This place reminds me of Santa’s Workshop.

Except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me. ‘ Source?😏 It was an unnamed source who is familiar with the thinking of Papá Noel. Heads up Southampton, England.

. . Santa is in transit! There does seem to be some conflicting information circulating Twitter/X on the matter.

Maybe we do need that Community Note after all? Good news is he doesn’t have to stop in DC Santa checked the list. In fact, he checked it twice. He found out everyone in DC was naughty … not nice.

Better have my Red Ryder carbine-action, 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time You’ll shoot your eye out, kid. Another unauthorized immigrant caravan. Can we let him finish his business and deport him back to the North Pole in the morning? REPORTED FOR MISINFORMATION Exactly.

Everyone knows that Saint Nicholas doesn’t enter North American airspace until much later in the evening. Santa deniers right now : Every idiot who goes about with a ‘Santa isn’t real’ on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. We took some liberty with that one.

We’re reasonably certain Charlie Dickens would let it slide. Santa when it comes to delivering presents to all the kids on the nice list Santa is the GOAT. Santa.

Jordan. LeBron. In that order.

Prove us wrong! Some of you are harboring unhealthy disdain for Father Christmas. LOL. Stay away from my chimney, fat man.

‘Keep the change, ya filthy animal. ‘ Listen up fellow Americans, it is very important that you all put your shotguns down now. I know that the reindeer look tasty, but we are not playing 5 Stand with Santa.

In case it wasn’t already clear; he’s coming over, don’t shoot. LOLOLOL! Every one of us living in the Midwest knows someone who would mount Rudolph’s head over their bar in a heartbeat, given half a chance. Honey, we’re having reindeer for our Christmas roast his year.

Under Bidenomics, that’s a lot of cheap meat. ‘Honey, could you pass the Blitzen?’ No. NO.

NO! Very, very naughty! Stop it. Santa is not real Some of you seem awfully confused. Santa is definitely real.

Birds, on the other hand … I hope he’s vaccinated Yes. He’s vaccinated with Christmas Magic™. Time for them kids to go to sleep now Yep, get those kiddos in bed.

Some Santas out there … ahem … have a bunch of gift wrapping to do and need to get off of Twitter/X. Yeah, we’re looking at you, Mr. and Mrs.

Kringle. Fine. We’re talking about us.

Yippee ki-yay. ***.

From: twitchy

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