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HomeTop NewsHow to Protest Safely: What to Bring and What to Do

How to Protest Safely: What to Bring and What to Do


Reproductive rights in America have drastically changed. The US Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade , which opens the doors to states criminalizing abortion and blocking access to information about it.

Certain legal experts note that the language used in the current draft from Justice Samuel Alito could further erode protections surrounding birth control, gay marriage, and interracial marriage, which implies additional civil rights are under threat. This guide to safe protesting was originally written in 2020 during the nationwide outcry over police brutality , which overwhelmingly targets Black people like George Floyd , Breonna Taylor , and Tony McDade . Whether you’re marching for racial justice, reproductive rights, or climate conservation, our advice applies to most protests.

If you’re thinking about joining a protest near you, there are some crucial factors to consider: Police brutality is an abstract concept for some but a stark reality for others. Similarly, few people think about abortion access until they need it . There are ways you can contribute to police brutality causes or to abortion funds and independent clinics if you don’t feel safe protesting or are otherwise unable to physically do so.

You can also donate time to community groups, drop off supplies for protests, or contact local legislators. Related Stories Andy Greenberg and Lily Hay Newman Arielle Pardes Megan Molteni That being said, protesting is a right of all Americans under the First Amendment (more on that below). Before you head out, you should know that police across the country have acted with unnecessary force , including driving vehicles through crowds , partially blinding a photojournalist , and macing children .

The list goes on and on . If you still want to join in, we’ve gathered some advice, as well as a list of items you may want to bring with you. Be careful, and stay safe.

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It’s smart to have supplies on hand for a day of protesting. We recommend the following. You probably have everything you need around the house, and if not, these items will likely be accessible at your local stores.

We’ve included some links to online retailers for your reference. We asked some organizers and civil action experts about key things to understand about protesting. Here’s their advice.

Do not go to a protest without knowing what it is you’re fighting for. Don’t show up and ask someone there to educate you. If you’re an ally, do the work yourself and study as much as possible—not only about the actions you’re protesting but the context around them.

You might know that reproductive rights are threatened, but do you know about the historical fight for access to abortion in America? There are several books you can read right now to gain more knowledge about this topic. Tony Williams, a member of MPD150, a Minneapolis-based coalition that has studied the history of police activity and seeks police-free alternatives to community safety, shared crucial advice for anyone who is not personally impacted, but wants to attend a protest. “The most important thing to realize—especially if you’re a white person going out for the first time to protest police brutality against Black people—is that you’re showing up in solidarity with other people,” said Williams.

“It’s not your job to decide how things should go. It’s your job to show up and listen and be in support. Deprioritizing yourself is an incredibly important part of the experience.

” Be prepared to amplify what others are saying. Be prepared to listen. If you aren’t comfortable with potentially physically intervening, shielding vulnerable protesters from police violence, and listening more than you speak, your efforts to be an ally are likely better spent elsewhere.

Mental preparation is important. Protesting can be physically grueling and emotional taxing. You may experience sheer joy.

You might cry. You might get angry. You might get scared.

Most likely, you’ll experience all of the above. Take the time to prepare yourself before heading out. Make sure to drink some water, apply sunscreen, and eat a meal.

In the US, it’s entirely within your rights to peacefully demonstrate in public. The basic act of assembling and protesting action by the government is unquestionably protected, according to the First Amendment Coalition, a California-based nonprofit that’s committed to protecting freedom of speech. Also, as a general matter, “people have the right to film or otherwise document things that are happening in the public space,” says David Snyder, director of the FAC.

“If police demand that you turn over your notes, I would say that you can assume they don’t have the right to seize that. ” That said, if it comes down to a matter of force and you are physically outmatched, you may have to weigh the risks to your immediate personal safety, potentially have your notes or phone stripped from you, and pursue legal action later on. Also, Snyder notes, the First Amendment to the Constitution does not protect protesters who engage in unlawful activity, which includes destroying property or assaulting other people.

If you can avoid it, don’t protest alone. It’s important that you go with at least one other person so you can have each other’s backs. There is strength in numbers.

Know your “roles” within the group before you go so you can be prepared for anything. For example, maybe one of you is prepared to drive the group home if the situation gets dicey, maybe one of you has first-aid training, or maybe one of you is hyper-observant and prepared to monitor your surroundings to keep tabs on the vibe. Stay close to your group.

Meet up beforehand, stick together the entire time, and leave the protest together. If you don’t have a group, check social media sites—there are probably discussions where you can find people to meet up with locally. There will be a lot of people and a lot of emotions.

You need to have a plan for what to do if the situation escalates. Pick a spot to meet if your group gets separated for a certain amount of time. (For example, if you get separated for more than 30 minutes, you meet back at a designated street corner.

) It might be smart to have a few spots to meet at in case one is inaccessible. You should also have multiple routes planned for if you need to leave and streets are blocked off. Is there a curfew where you live? Have previous protests in your city escalated to violence? Will there be portable bathrooms stationed along the route, or should you map out places to relieve yourself after chugging water all day? Prep a plan.

If you’re exposed to tear gas or pepper spray, contacts will make the experience much worse. Wear glasses if you have them. If you wear contacts, protect your eyes with sunglasses at the minimum, though ideally you’ll be wearing goggles or keeping them handy.

For the same reason, avoid wearing makeup or oil-based products like lotions, as the irritants in dispersion measures deployed by police can stick to them. Write down your emergency contacts’ information. Write down the number of emergency legal counsel—several law firms offer pro bono representation for arrested protesters.

Research the firms in your area. You may also want to write down the number of a local bond fund. You should have two copies of these phone numbers on your person—write them in the notepad stashed in your bag, on the hem of your shirt, or on a notecard that you keep in your pocket.

As a redundancy, you can also write them somewhere on your body (like your forearms), preferably in permanent marker. Once you arrive and join in with your fellow protesters, follow this advice on how to behave and how to stay safe. You can designate a certain person in your group to make this a top priority, but regardless of who you’re with, you should maintain awareness of what’s going on around you.

This is important for numerous reasons. Is someone wearing steel-toed boots, a colored armband, and a hearing device, and also showing the outline of handcuffs in their pocket? That person might be an undercover cop . Is someone carrying a bag of supplies emblazoned with a big red cross? They might be a street medic.

Did a protester fall down and get hurt while marching? Open eyes and ears will help you react more quickly when needed. If you’re marching, you’re probably going to be in close proximity to a few dozen other protesters. These are the people you’ll be chanting with, walking with, and closest to if the situation escalates.

Be friendly with them. Offer them water if you’ve got extra, or hold their stuff while they tie their shoes. Solidarity can start small.

Remember that you’re in a massive crowd; assume your actions are being watched and that your words are being listened to. It is your right to take photos at any protest in the streets or on public property. However, a protest is not a social media photo op.

You should avoid taking photos of protesters that clearly show identifying information like their faces or their tattoos, since those photos could make them vulnerable to abuse or retaliation. Law enforcement may also respond with force if you point your camera at them, even though it is well within your rights to film their actions. If you’re white, you can use your privilege to your advantage.

Your presence in the crowd can prevent more police brutality against people of color and Black people in particular. You can shield people of color with your body if necessary and if you’re comfortable doing it. You can also film arrests and police activity in general— it’s your right to do so .

But we can’t prepare you for every situation you’ll encounter. Study up on the effects of the nonlethal weapons that could be used against you. Do what makes you comfortable and what makes sense at the time.

When you’re protesting, the actions you don’t take can be just as important as the actions you do. Here’s some advice about what not to do while demonstrating. Humans, just like other animals, can be profoundly influenced by this tricky thing called collective behavior .

When you’re in a group, your brain takes cues from said group, and you’ll react to things based on how the group reacts. This is why, if someone starts running while you’re in a crowd, you automatically get the urge to run as well. You might not even know why they’re running, but a message in your brain says, “OK, it’s time to go.

” Running also draws attention to yourself and those around you, which isn’t ideal at a demonstration where protesters are being targeted for violence. For these reasons, it’s important that you refrain from running while protesting—you might incite a panic, hurt someone, or hurt yourself. If you need to move quickly, that’s OK, but try to avoid running if you can help it.

If you need to leave the larger group, move quickly and calmly to the edge of the crowd, out of the throng of people. When returning home, try to find a side street or a route that’s out of the way, and stay with your smaller group. You are going to see a lot of folks behaving in a lot of different ways.

If somebody’s behavior makes you uncomfortable to the point that you’re considering asking a fellow protester to stop doing something, it’s time to leave. This includes emotional public speaking, tagging, looting, or provoking the police. If you aren’t comfortable with what’s happening, take that as your cue to head home.

Do not travel to another location to protest. Now is the time to strengthen your ties with your own community. You can still donate to organizations in locations close to your heart, but when it comes to physical actions, your energy and efforts are best spent within your own locale.

We can’t prepare you for every possible scenario. In unknown situations, your common sense and your best judgment should guide you. But for the circumstances listed below, these tips may help you form a plan.

Tear gas is a thick, powdery fog that sticks to moisture like saliva, sweat, tears, and mucous membranes and causes an intense burning sensation. If gas is used, it’s important to stay calm, because panicking will worsen the effects. Follow airplane rules: Help yourself before helping others.

If a tear gas canister is deployed, move away from the cloud, quickly and calmly. Try to keep your breathing slow and even. If you’re able, try to help those around you move away from the cloud.

Tear gas is heavier than air and eventually falls, so move to higher ground if you’re able. You’ll need to flush out your eyes . The best thing to use for this is water .

Protesters and street medics have used what’s called a LAW solution, which is a mixture of 50 percent unflavored liquid antacid and 50 percent water. Protesters and street medics have also used a baking soda solution consisting of a teaspoon of baking soda for every 8. 5 ounces of water.

These solutions are fully effective only if they are thoroughly mixed. Blinking rapidly encourages natural tear production and can help flush the eyes. Do not use milk; it’s less effective, can spoil quickly, and can cause infections, especially in eyes.

You should also blow your nose and spit—and avoid sniffing or swallowing, as this may worsen symptoms. Change your clothing as soon as possible. Take a shower as soon as possible too, but use cold water, as hot water can make the burning sensation worse.

Some of the same advice applies here. Move away quickly and try to remain as calm as you can. Change your clothes as soon as you can.

Avoid touching your face or any other area that was exposed. Pepper spray is oil-based, so it can be trickier to remove, and it spreads over the skin easily. Water will help with symptoms, but it won’t remove the irritating oils.

LAW solution, baking soda solution, or diluted “no tears” shampoo are more effective. Say as little as possible. You are not obligated to have a conversation with the police .

In most states, you need to give an officer your name and address if they ask for it. This is why it’s important to look up the specific laws for your location before the protest. Stay calm, keep your hands where officers can see them, and consider filming the interaction as unobtrusively as possible as a safeguard.

You may be able to make a plan with the members of your group where those not involved in a police encounter can film it as a bystander. Try to write down or remember the officer’s badge number and any defining characteristics (like height, eye color, or tattoos) if the badge number isn’t visible. Listen to and follow the orders being dictated by the National Guard.

If you are planning to engage in civil disobedience, be prepared for the very realistic scenario of encountering crowd-dispersal measures like tear gas or less-lethal rifle rounds, and getting detained or arrested. Understand the consequences that may pertain to you specifically; if you’re undocumented, a person of color, or belong to any marginalized group, your course of action here may be different from that of a white protester. Use common sense, take cues from the protest organizers, and keep your safety and the safety of others around you in mind.

Since you did your research before you left, and you know your rights , you’re prepared for this. According to the ACLU, you should say you wish to remain silent, and immediately ask for a lawyer. Do not resist arrest, even if you think what’s happening is unfair.

Write down the badge number of your arresting officer, if possible. Ask for a phone call. Note that arrests during protests don’t always follow the typical pattern of arrests that might ensue from something like a traffic stop.

You might be left waiting for hours without access to a phone. You might not have any information about what’s going to happen next, or when. Try to stay as calm as possible, and follow instructions given to you.

If needed, you can pursue legal action once you’re home and safe. If you witness an arrest or police brutality happening in public, you have a right to film it . Do not intervene physically, and do not try to hide the fact that you are recording.

If you’re white, your presence alone may deter additional police brutality, and filming interactions may further bolster that deterrence. If you were motivated by a specific cause or call to action, don’t just go home after you’ve marched and consider it done. Follow up with the organizers and ask if there’s more action to take or how you might continue to push local leaders toward policies you consider more just.

Even if you weren’t able to show up in person, there’s still a lot you can do from home, says Lila Eltawely, who sits on the board of the Minneapolis-based advocacy group Reviving Sisterhood . “Buying supplies and food for people who are on the ground works too. It’s all a chain,” she says.

“Protesting is on a spectrum. Some of us have the ability to go outside and hold up a sign, and some of us are not able to. So whatever helps the overall goal of the current situation helps.

” Additional reporting by Reece Rogers. .

From: wired

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