About NIT Silchar: National Institute Of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar) is one of the 31 NITs of India and was established in 1967 as a Regional Engineering College in Silchar. In 2002, it was upgraded to the status of National Institute of Technology and was declared as Institute of National Importance under the National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007. NIT Silchar is a joint venture between the Government of India and the State Government of Assam to cater to the country’s need for manpower in technology.
The mission of NIT Silchar is to train and transform young men and women into responsible thinking engineers, technologists and scientists, to motivate them to attain professional excellence and to inspire them to proactively engage themselves for the betterment of the society. NIT, Silchar has various Engineering Departments which are Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. It has also many Non-Engineering Departments they are Chemistry, Humanities and Social Sciences, Management Studies, Mathematics, and Physics.
The Institute also offers Postgraduate along with Undergraduate programs. National Institute Of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar) released the latest job notification for the recruitment of a Project Associate-I vacancy. Interested candidates can apply before the last date.
Check more details on the National Institute Of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar) job vacancy 2022. National Institute Of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar) Recruitment Notification 2022 National Institute Of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar) has recently sought a job notification for the recruitment of a Project Associate-I Vacancy. Desirous candidates can check all the job details of no of posts, age limit, salary, qualification, etc prescribed below: NIT Silchar Job Openings About Job Requirement Details Post Name Project Associate-I Posts 01 Location Silchar, Assam Salary Rs.
25,000/-Per Month Last Date 30/06/2022 Age No age limit Application Fees N/A Project Associate-I To apply for the post of Project Associate-I at the National Institute Of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar), the candidate should have done B. E. / B.
Tech in Computer Science & Engineering with First Class Degree and M. E. / M.
Tech in Computer Science & Engineering with First Class Degree and Other terms are according to DST guidelines. The candidate that is interested and fulfills all the eligibility are required to submit the signed scanned copy of their filled-up applications along with C. V and all other relevant documents to Dr.
Partha Pakray, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar through email: partha@cse. nits.
ac. in and pakraypartha@gmail. com with the subject line “Application for the temporary post of Project Associate-I under the project Deep Summarization Evaluation”.
The last date of application is 30th June 2022. Date of the interview, time, and venue: July 18, 2022, at 11:00 AM at Department of CSE, NIT Silchar. Applicants are requested to take the signed original copy of their filled-up application form along with C.
V and all other relevant documents during the interview. Disclaimer: Provided by the NIT Silchar.
From: sentinel
URL: https://www.sentinelassam.com/jobs-in-assam/nit-silchar-recruitment-project-associate-i-vacancy-job-openings-597120