About ONGC – The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is an Indian oil and gas explorer and producer. It is under the ownership of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Government of India. Its headquarters is situated in Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.
The operations are overseen by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is the largest government-owned-oil and gas exploration and production corporation in the country, and produces around 70% of India’s crude oil (equivalent to around 57% of the country’s total demand) and around 84% of its natural gas. In November 2010, the Government of India conferred the Maharatna status to ONGC.
ONGC Recruitment 2022The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has recently sought a job notification for the recruitment of Contract Medical Officer Vacancy. Desirous candidates can check all the job details of no of posts, age limit, salary, qualification, etc prescribed below: ONGC Job Opening Post Name Contract Medical Officer – General Duty (GDMO) – Part Time (Female) Contract Medical Officer – Occupational Health (OH) Contract Medical Officer – Field Duty (FMO) No of Posts 01 (UR) 01 (UR) 02 (01-UR & 01-OBC) Salary 50,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,05,000/- Age Limit There is no maximum age limit for eligibility Job Location Silchar Walk-In Date 21/06/2022 QualificationPost NameQualificationContract Medical Officer – General Duty (GDMO) – Part Time (Female)Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)Contract Medical Officer – Occupational Health (OH)Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)Contract Medical Officer – Field Duty (FMO)Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)Documents Required: i. 2 copies of duly signed and filled application format at Annexure I ii.
Any one Photo identity proof like PAN Card, Aadhaar card, Passport, Driving License, Voter I Card. iii. Passport size photograph.
iv. Class 10th Board Certificate containing Date of Birth (DOB). No other proof for determining Date of Birth shall be considered.
v. Consolidated Marksheet of MBBS Degree vi. M.
B. B. S.
Degree. vii. Internship Completion Certificate.
viii. Valid Registration Certificate with the statutory registration Council like MCI etc. ix.
PWBD Certificate (if applicable) Certificate of disability should be issued by Civil Surgeon in case of PWBD Certificate. The minimum degree of disability in order for aperson to be eligible for any concessions/benefits would be 40%. x.
Proof of Higher Qualification (if any) – Mark sheet of all semesters and Degree/ Diploma Certificate. xi. Experience Certificate (if any).
xii. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from existing employer, if any (in case the candidate is a regular employee in a Govt. organisation / PSU).
xiii. Valid proof of change of name (in case, applicable). Walkin Address ONGC, AAFB Exploratory Asset, Srikona, Silchar.
Selection Process for ONGC Recruitment 2022 1. Following weightages shall be assigned to different parameters in the selection process:- a. Qualification – 70 marks (60 marks for essential qualification & up to 10 marks for relevant higher qualification, which must be in line) b.
Interview – 30 marks 2. Qualifying marks in the interview shall be 18 marks for Unreserved / OBC and 12 marks for SC Candidates 3. Finalization of Merit ListHow to Apply ONGC Recruitment 2022 1.
Candidates are required to walk-in for the interview with 2 copies of filled in application forms, on 21. 06. 2022 at ONGC, AAFB Exploratory Asset, Srikona, Silchar.
Candidates will be allowed from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm only and candidates who arrive late will strictly not be considered under any circumstances. 2. Candidates need to bring a copy of the following documents along with the originals and report in time at the venue mentioned 3.
Candidates will be required to bring the above documents in original and report for interview as per date, time and venue intimated. 4. In case of number of candidates appearing for the post is high, the interview maybe carried on to second day.
Candidates need to be prepared for such scenario (if any). 5. Interview will be through walk-in mode ONLY on the date, time and venue specified in ad 6.
All communication with the candidate after the selection process, shall be through SMS / e-mail only 7. Candidates may please ensure that they are fulfilling all the requisite criteria prior to appearing for personal interview, failing which, their candidature is liable to be rejected/cancelled. Also Read: NPCC Recruitment 2022 – Assistant Vacancy, Latest Jobs.
From: sentinel
URL: https://www.sentinelassam.com/jobs-in-assam/jobs-in-silchar/ongc-contract-medical-college-silchar-job-recruitment-597105