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HomeTop NewsSO MUCH Transparency: Hospitalized Defense Secretary Austin Told Biden He Was 'Working From Home'

SO MUCH Transparency: Hospitalized Defense Secretary Austin Told Biden He Was ‘Working From Home’


Over the weekend, (in the ICU!) for days without anyone notifying the White House. Today, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC spokesman John Kirby tried to explain this. Give it a listen: Biden NSC spokesman John Kirby on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin being incapacitated for days without telling anybody: “As you might expect, we’ll take a look at process and procedure here and try to learn from this experience.

. . ” Wow.

Just wow. The Secretary of Defense told the President he was “working from home” when he was at the hospital having surgery for a week. These guys aren’t even being transparent with each other.

Seems like this is a bad thing to do when you’re a Cabinet member. KJP: “The President has always put transparency at the center of his administration from the beginning, and obviously, that’s what we’re going to continue to do. ” ‘Transparency’.

Whatever you say, KJP. This administration is simultaneously as transparent as a brick wall and so transparent you can see right through the agenda. Schrodinger’s Transparency, if you will.

Seriously they let Mayor Pete take two months off and nobody noticed. There will be zero accountability with this administration. Can they all go away? We’ll be fine.

We promise. So he lied to the President and the President is OK with that? Apparently. Must be nice.

KJP’s predictable Orwellian response to someone calling her out on the administration’s lack of transparency. Even Orwell is telling KJP to pump the brakes. Everyone else’s boss: It’s 9:15, you’re not active on Teams? Biden: Say hi to your dog for me, Lenny! They have no idea how the real world works.

And they flaunt it. File this with the Whitehouse cocaine investigation papers 🗑️ So glad norms and decency have been restored to the White House. Translation: “We’ll put out a few word salad press releases, and wait out the media cycle.

” ‘And the media will cover for us. ‘ Narrator: nothing will be done. Not one darned thing.

When we complained about all of Bidens’ vacations, especially during dangerous periods like the botched Afghan withdrawal, we were assured Biden was still in touch with his team. Now we know he’s been so out of touch that he didn’t know who was running the DoD for a week. Didn’t want to interrupt his tanning session on the beach in St.

Croix. . oh, they’re gonna “take a look at process and procedure” bc the Sec.

of Defense disappeared for a week w/o telling anyone. nothing is going to happen. absolutely nothing.

everyone who has devoted any thought to this has wasted effort. that includes this tweet i am typing now. Still good to write about it, though.

It’s unbelievable that you have to learn to tell your boss, “the President” (we all know is just a figurehead) that the head of the is incompacitated and in ICU. . “tHe AdUlTs ArE bAcK iN cHaRgE.

” This administration shouldn’t work for Barnum & Bailey’s,… A three-ring circus is better run and more entertaining than the Biden Administration. He uses so many words to say nothing. It’s all they’ve got: empty platitudes.

“Take a look at the process” Kirby is kidding right?? Nope probably not that is his and the Whitehouse’s answer to everything!! It’s how you say ‘We’re not doing anything about this’ while still making it like you’re doing something. Translation, we got caught and have learned a few things so we don’t get caught again. Nailed it.

Next time, they simply won’t get caught. They learned nothing from this. ***.

From: twitchy

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