Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Can people with a family history of colorectal cancer reduce their own risk?

In India, colorectal cancer, which first appears in the colon or the rectum, is the sixth most prevalent cancer...

Some impressive benefits of vitamin C supplements

Vitamin C is a very important vitamin that plays a number of roles in the human body. Packed...

Their children struggled with addiction. Now, they’re fighting against the war on drugs

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app Over one million Americans have died of drug overdoses since...

5 reasons why you should consider including supplements in your diet

In modern times, lifestyle diseases have emerged as the leading cause of mortality worldwide. As a result, nutrition...

National Anti-Obesity Day 2022: Beware of slow pandemic, caution experts

Obesity is a slow pandemic and one must be careful especially about childhood obesity, as per experts. The...

Cows that fed on hemp produced psychoactive milk — but it wasn’t potent enough to get anyone high

-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email view in app German researchers fed the variety of cannabis known as hemp...

Five dietary switches for a healthy lifestyle

Our sedentary lifestyles have led to reduced levels of physical activity, coupled with the lack of moderation and imbalance...

4 easy diabetes-friendly dinner recipes

Do you stay away from your favourite food because you have diabetes and feel that healthy food cannot be...

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