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HomeTop NewsTough guy nukes X account after saying conservatives need to be put in reeducation camps

Tough guy nukes X account after saying conservatives need to be put in reeducation camps


Normally we don’t pick on randos like @jestingtime, but not only has he deleted his tweet from earlier today — he’s deleted his entire X account. “This Post is from an account that no longer exists,” is all X will tell us. It probably had something to do with him declaring that American conservatives needed to be put in reeducation camps and made to do forced labor.

“American conservatism is a mental illness that needs to be eradicated through reeducation camps and forced labor” Yes Apparently, he, like many others, was upset about conservatives being less than broken up about the murder of a far-left activist on a New York City street. Reportedly, his girlfriend, who watched him get stabbed to death in the chest, refused to give a description of the (black male) suspect caught on video doing it. She literally refused to tell the police the description of her boyfriend’s killer because it would cause “racist stereotypes”.

If anyone needs reeducation camps, it’s progressives like her, nevermind the killers. You want people in “Reeducation camps and forced labor” and I’m the delusional? Who’s going to put me in a camp if you already defunded the police? Reeducation camps and forced labor? Jestin wants to be him so bad, it’s plain to see. The guy’s name’s apparently Jestin, which is probably why he got and nuked his account.

American liberalism is a mental illness that needs to be eradicated through reeducation camps and forced labor American liberalism is a mental illness that needs to be eradicated through reeducation camps and forced labor Historically, reeducation camps and forced labor for the “mentally ill” (in other words “people who don’t buy our bullshit”) have been the favorite tools of leftists. It’s why they want to disarm conservatives. No armed person is going to willingly load themselves in boxcars.

🤷‍♂️ Your projection game is on point. Sounds very Nazish As the saying goes. .

. Stack up kiddo 🥱 This is the guy who’s supposedly going to show up at your door and drag you off for forced labor: Go round em up. Make sure to livestream it though I can’t wait to see how it turns out for ya.

Marx on the back of a Volvo 🤣 As always, the avowed marxists reject the tenets of Marxism and opt to live lavish lifestyles while cosplaying as Soviets or some such nonsense. There’s a shot of the activist’s girlfriend showing off her MARX license plate. The chances of you and your friends making that happen is literally zero.

And are you going to be putting these people through reeducation camps and forced labor, or are you just gonna expect LEOs and the military to do it? Congratulations on absolutely vindicating the very people you’re trying to condemn lol What happened to Ryan Carson was horrific and absolutely meaningless. Sorry there are some who aren’t as broken up about it. Bloomberg/WaPo op-ed writer is so mad about posts on Ryan Carson’s stabbing that he deleted X from his phone.

. . But he’s still on here posting his article.

And he’s still going to “continue to follow X. ” He’s just really mad at There are 2 subreddits, one with 500K subscribers, anther with 1 million, dedicated to celebrating misfortune and deaths of political opponents, mostly conservatives. And given how tightly regulated that forum is, you have to think Reddit approves of them.

Yeah, progressives have never celebrated the death of a conservative … we can’t think of a single example. ***.

From: twitchy

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