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HomeTop News'Trojan Horse' in FISA Reform Bill Would Have Your Barista Spy on You

‘Trojan Horse’ in FISA Reform Bill Would Have Your Barista Spy on You


American lawyer, editor, and politician Gideon J. Tucker is probably a name all but the most ardent history buffs don’t recognize. But you do probably recognize this quote: ‘No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session.

‘ Truer words have never been spoken. Case in point: The Trojan Horse That Would Force Your Barista To Spy on You : It continues: Let us unpack this: Under current law, electronic communication service providers include Internet service providers such as Google, Facebook/Meta, and Microsoft. It also includes telecom providers such as AT&T and Verizon.

Under the law, these big companies are routinely compelled to hand over billions of foreign communications vast amounts of Americans’ communications that are “incidentally” caught up in this surveillance net. But the House Intelligence bill’s expansion to include “equipment” would cover, for example, any small or medium-sized business that simply provides Wi-Fi or stores data. This means that your business landlord, Airbnb host, hotel manager, or coffee shop barista will have a legal obligation to give the government any of your emails, texts, or phone metadata that ran through their equipment.

Larger entities, such as data centers, would also be enlisted in spying on Americans. To call the expansion of government-mandated spying to baristas and landlords “reform” shows the contempt the intelligence community has for Congress and the very idea of oversight. It is nothing less than a Trojan horse buried in the House Intelligence bill.

I won’t matter if it’s legal, constitutional, or right. They’ll shove down our throats regardless. And our own party will back it.

This country is broken No, it won’t matter. And yes, it is. Who wrote the “FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act”? It’s sponsored in the House by Rep.

Michael Turner, an Ohio Republican, and Rep. James Himes, a Democrat from Connecticut. Bipartisan spying.

There’s scant difference between the parties anymore. They’re both hostile to individual liberty and scornful of ordinary citizens. A pox on both their houses.

A pox, indeed. 🚨 H. R.

6611: “Your business landlord, Airbnb host, hotel manager, or barista will have legal obligation to give gov’t any of your emails, texts, or phone metadata that ran through their equipment. Data centers would also be enlisted in spying on Americans. ” Look at all the places that the government can grab your data from.

To call the expansion of gov’t-mandated spying “reform” is laughable – the current House Intel proposal added “equipment” (any small or med. -sized biz that provides Wi-Fi or stores data) making your biz landlord, hotel mgr, etc. , legally obligated to give data to the gov’t.

Someone needs to tell Congress Orwell was a cautionary tale, not an instruction manual. So the ‘reform’ is to limit things they don’t do anyway but add reporting requirements to any source that might have desired data transit through their servers? This is a huge expansion of hidden spying in the name of limiting it. This is pure propaganda.

Pure propaganda. Excellent takedown of the HPSCI FISA 702 Trojan horse by superlawyer, . We ask the good senator from Utah what he’s going to do about this.

From your constituent: I urge you to reject this and any enhancement of gov surveillance of US citizens. Privacy is paramount. Privacy is paramount.

And all but extinct in America. is my Senate representative and has done an amazing job at bringing awareness to the HPSCI FISA 702 Trojan horse bill that is trying to be pushed through. This article explains the risks really well.

Take action and call your representative to tell them to vote… Everyone should call their reps and tell them to vote against it. Maybe they’ll listen. ***.

From: twitchy

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