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HomeTop NewsTwitter Destroys Peter Daou's Gaslighting Analogy Asking Us to 'Substitute Chicago for Gaza'

Twitter Destroys Peter Daou’s Gaslighting Analogy Asking Us to ‘Substitute Chicago for Gaza’


Democrat activist Peter Daou has some pretty cringe moments in his online history. Start with the fact that he used to work closely with David Brock, founder of the abominable Media Matters for America. Working with Brock and the Hillary Clinton campaign, he helped to spread vile, false rumors about Bernie Sanders, prompting Sanders’ strategic Tad Devine to call their blog Blue Nation Review ‘the pond scum of American politics.

‘ But Daou is reaching for new lows in Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists. He recently declared that Israel is ‘ ,’ mainly because antisemites like Daou are spreading false propaganda about Jews and Israel. This weekend, Daou tried to gaslight the issue even further with a tweet thread asking people to ‘substitute the word Chicago for Gaza.

‘ 🧵IMAGINE: Destroying Chicago in “self-defense” Chicago and have roughly similar population sizes. Let’s substitute ‘Chicago’ for ‘Gaza’ to describe the scale of events: Imagine in 1948, Chicago’s residents are forced from their homes and subjected to brutal occupation. .

. Amazing how Daou leaves out all of the events that were actually taking place in Israel in 1948. He just blames the Jews for everything.

But he was just getting started. 🧵Substitute the word “Chicago” for “Gaza” Between 2008 and 2022, more than 6,000 Chicagoans are killed, mostly women and children, compared to around 300 occupiers. The occupiers also imprison thousands of Chicagoans (including kids) often without legal recourse.

Occupiers? What was Israel ‘occupying’ between 2008 and 2020? Daou seems to forget that Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2006. Of course, when he says ‘occupiers,’ what he means is ‘Israel existing at all. ‘ And then, reaching the bottom of the barrel and going under it, Daou uses his failed analogy to justify the Hamas terror attacks of Oct.

7. 🧵Substitute the word “Chicago” for “Gaza” In retaliation, a Chicago militia storms the occupiers in October of 2023, killing and kidnapping hundreds of civilians. The occupiers decide the appropriate response is to level virtually the entire city of Chicago.

Yeah, we’re going to spare you any more of his thread and stop right there. Once you defend Oct. 7, you lose all credibility.

Suffice it to say Daou continued to call Israel ‘occupiers,’ cites unsubstantiated casualty claims directly repeated from Hamas, and mocks Israel’s existential struggle for survival against people who have openly declared they want Jews wiped out ‘from the river to the sea. ‘ Thankfully, users on Twitter were having none of Daou’s gaslighting. How many children is Chicago holding hostage? Are the gang bangers in Chicago indiscriminately firing off rockets at Gary Indiana? Did they go on a rape, murder torture spree? Fair enough.

How many missiles has Chicago randomly fired towards Kenosha, Wis over the past decades? Imagine if you would Chicago declaring eternal war on Madison, WI. Constantly firing thousands of rockets into civilian areas, sending in thousands of terrorists to rape, torture, and kidnap. And saying they’ll do it again at every opportunity.

Upon further review, under the mildest of scrutiny, it appears that Daou’s analogy holds up about as well as a slug when sprinkled with a dash of salt. Let’s imagine you are brain damaged. Substitute the words terrorist and rape apologist for Peter.

Did Chicago commit terrorist attrocities and war crimes against someone? Your analogy is as stupid and morally bankrupt as you are. I cOuLd KeEp GoInG wItH tHiS aNaLoGy Yes, that’s about the level of seriousness that Daou’s so-called ‘analogy’ deserves. Some even took the opportunity to turn Daou’s argument back on him.

Oh my God. I never thought of it like this. Try to imagine if 6000 Chicagoans were killed between 2008 and 2022… Oops.

There were, in fact, over 6000 Chicagoans killed between 2008 and 2022. 7400 Chicagoans have been murdered since 2010 due to the Democrat occupiers there currently. Talk about destructive ‘occupiers.

‘ There are none more so than Democrat politicians in America’s cities. But don’t bother someone like Peter Daou with those annoying things called ‘facts. ‘ He is immune to them.

Peter is a terrorist sympathizer and Hamas propaganda agent, don’t be like Peter. Indeed. Don’t be like Peter.

That sums up Daou better than anything we could write. ***.

From: twitchy

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