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HomeTechnologyWarhammer 40,000 Lost Crusade Codes to redeem (January 2024)

Warhammer 40,000 Lost Crusade Codes to redeem (January 2024)


We know why you are here. You want those juicy free gifts and rewards that can be redeemed through ! Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade can impress with massive constructs and fire-shooting space robots, but nothing really comes close to the actual base building. Mainly because you’re building in outer space.

However, as a new Commander, you always want to stay ahead of your opponents in terms of power, and you can only achieve that by stocking up on resources and upgrading everything that can be upgraded. For that, you will need supplies – luckily, we’ve got some Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade codes to help you out! In a game where base building is elevated to a whole new level, you can either try to keep up with the rest, get ahead of them, or slowly fade into the vast nothingness of space. Okay, okay, maybe that was a little bit dramatic, but because Warhammer 40k is so highly competitive, the players are trying their best to become the highest-ranking Commander.

The codes you will find below will give you plenty of resources, Crystals, Stamina, and much more. Important to remember: all the codes that we have listed below are case-sensitive, so you need to type them exactly as they are in the list below. Now let’s take a look at all the codes that you can find in the game, and the rewards they give.

LC2022 LCXRESSO SKLSLSDC SKULLSRES EASTERGIFT ITHAPPENS 1STREWARD HAPPY1STANN 1STREPORT 1STLOGO TYFORASKING CHRISTMAS DakotaENYO SMALLGIFT FierceBattle GABUIDRD GDOFKDEF FKBSFJED TSCXLC ERICXLC METANERDZXLC JAKEXLC PAPAXLC STRIKINGXLC BLKTMPLR1029 MWGXLC YUCHIXLC VKCRUSADE IG10KFOLLOW Fiercein01 SKSXLC TIMXLC BARONXLC TITANSXLC RYUKAHRXLC ZUMIXLC RallyChapter FROMSHADOWS FOFIERC FORMACRAGGE CCDDCBDDACCC AlAMAR LCXHADES GUIDEXLC DeVilsLC – Rewards:Crystal Pack, 2x Blackstone Shards, 5x 10K Fuel, Metal, Adamantium, Plasma Supply Pack FuryWITHIN LC40kBrush – Rewards: Crystal Pack, 2x Blackstone Shards, 5x 10K Fuel, Metal, Adamantium, Plasma Supply Pack LCEh0t – Rewards: Crystal Pack, 2x Blackstone Shards, 5x 10K Fuel, Metal, Adamantium, Plasma Supply Pack ABADCBBC – Rewards:3x Crystal Pack, 2x +50% Marching Speed, 10x Hero EXP Card, 8x Custom Supply Pack Ryo7akLC RIWEIJRFT SOEHBIRFT SaltySUmaUS SaltySumaLC 40000FB AndroLC StillAliveLC DBGCrusade – Rewards: 200x Crystals, 5x 10k Fuel Supply Packs, 5x 10k Metal Supply Packs, 5x 10k Adamantium Supply Pack, 5x 10k Plasma Supply Pack LCRicardo – Rewards: 200x Crystals, 5x 10k Fuel Supply Packs, 5x 10k Metal Supply Packs, 5x 10k Adamantium Supply Pack, 5x 10k Plasma Supply Pack MAJORKILLXLC – Rewards: 100x Crystals, 8x 1k Hero EXP Cards, 2x 8h Bonus Crates, 5x 10k Custom Supply Packs, 2x Random Warp Jump DevilsSkulls Skulls – Rewards: 100x Crystals, 1x Random Warp Jump, 2x +25% Marching Speed, 5x Custom Supply Pack 10,000 (valid until: N/A) TOACTION63 – Rewards: 100x Crystals, 3x Stamina Potions, 5x Fuel Supply Pack 10k, 5x Metal Supply Pack 10k, 5x Adamantium Supply Pack 10k, 5x Plasma Supply Pack 10k (valid until June 10th) SpaceMarines Tap on your the upper left corner. Head on to the button (the cog button underneath your EXP and AP bars). Select the option, which has an ornate key symbol.

Type in your code and hit . Once you claimed the codes, the text on the CONFIRM button will change to direct you to your in-game mail (where the codes have been sent). That’s it! In case you are playing some other games, check for , , , or just type in the name of the game you are playing in the search bar above! Original article by Cristina Mesesan, updated by Sumant Meena.

From: pocketgamer

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