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HomeTop NewsMalaysia will soon have a shot at getting its first Michelin star. Here's how.

Malaysia will soon have a shot at getting its first Michelin star. Here’s how.


It seems like forever that Malaysians have had to wait for local restaurants to be graced by Michelin Guide recognition, all while esteemed eateries in neighboring countries managed to get in on the good books of the world’s most respected food guide. But after years of anticipation, it seems as though Malaysia may finally be honored by a Michelin star when the prestigious guide publishes its upcoming list of top-rated eateries in Kuala Lumpur and Penang — two of the most important food meccas in the country with gastronomical relevance on par with Southeast Asia’s best. For those unfamiliar with all of this, the Michelin Guide represents several region-specific culinary guides published by French tire company Michelin since 1900.

The guides have become the pinnacle of restaurant ratings around the world, with the best chefs striving to achieve the prized third star — the holy grail of culinary industry recognition. Unsurprisingly, entire businesses have been made or broken by the awarding and revoking of stars by the guide, and now Malaysians will finally get to see just what an organization of Michelin’s caliber thinks of their country’s cuisine and eateries. The upcoming 2023 edition of The Michelin Guide Kuala Lumpur and Penang will look to identify the best culinary talents and establishments in these two cities, and where diners can go to for the best food and eating experiences.

These rankings will be based on five criteria — quality of ingredients, mastery of flavor and cooking techniques, the personality of the chef in the cuisine, value for money, and consistency of food. To determine how good these eateries are, anonymous food critics or inspectors will be sent by Michelin multiple times before deciding on how well these points are met, and whether or not a restaurant is deserving of a coveted Michelin Star. Seeing how strictly Michelin enforces its criteria, any Malaysian establishment that receives a star will — on paper — stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other Michelin-starred restaurants from across the globe.

Of course, while we can hope for Malaysia to have its first star, getting one is much easier said than done, considering how stringent the company is when dishing out scores. Reportedly, the work to produce the first Malaysia-based Michelin guide has been underway for some time now, with the guide’s International Director Gwendal Poullennec saying that inspectors have already frequented targeted establishments several times over the past years. “Kuala Lumpur and Penang have their own unique characteristics which benefit a variety of diners locally and abroad,” Poullennec said .

“Kuala Lumpur, the country’s economic and business hub is a fast-moving city flocked with sizeable venues, independent restaurants, and new inspirations for gastronomy. ” “Penang, with its strong Peranakan influence, is a gastronomic hotbed of small-scale restaurants and street food that embodies Malaysia’s distinctive street-side dining culture. ” Right now, no one knows which eateries will make it onto the final list, but those who keenly await the rankings (and want to see if Malaysia even gets a star at all) can hope to find out when the full list is announced during a special event in December.

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From: mashable

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