Saturday, June 1, 2024

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Sarasota judge rules for Florida newspaper in Marsy’s Law case

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — While the Florida Supreme Court remains in the process of weighing how Florida's law...

TUC issues workers’ rights warning over post-Brexit trade deals

Ministers have been accused of pushing for post-Brexit trade deals with more than a dozen countries around the world...

Boris Johnson backs plans to close ticket offices as fresh rail strike talks loom

Talks were set to resume on Monday between the RMT and rail bosses, with the union’s national executive committee...

Tory donor John Booth handed leading role in choosing arts and media honours

A Tory donor has been handed a prominent role at the heart of the UK’s honours system, the Observer...

‘I don’t want to be an icon’: Mick Lynch on winning the rail strike PR battle

At 7 o’clock on Saturday morning, union boss Mick Lynch was once again on the picket line at Euston...

Man uses truck to repeatedly block entrance to Mississippi’s only abortion clinic as tensions run high after Roe v. Wade ruling

JACKSON, MS — A man used his truck to block the entrance to Mississippi's only abortion clinic on Saturday...

Tampa Bay anti-abortion advocates celebrate SCOTUS ruling to overturn Roe V. Wade

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WFLA) – Anti-abortion advocates in the Tampa Bay area are celebrating the U. ...

‘I’m furious, I’m heartbroken, I’m shattered’: Inside the Tulsa Women’s Clinic on the day Roe fell

Tiffany Taylor, the supervising nurse, at the Tulsa Women's Clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The clinic has been mostly...

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